Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
Wednesday found Jimmy Indergaard a visitor at the homes of Mervin Indergaard and Dennis and Fran Walen.
Charlotte Koepplin enjoyed a visit over grilled spuds and homemade sausage supper Wednesday at the Taylor and Amanda Koepplin home.
Friday, Sharon Laxdal took mom, Esther Indergaard shopping. Later they were joined by Ruth Braaten and enjoyed a visit over lunch out.
Thursday, Margie Anderson was among those who attended funeral services for Gilbert Anderson at the Congregational Church in New Rockford. Margie enjoyed a visit with former family friends and neighbors, Lisa Wipperling, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Whipperling and Dennis Whipperling. Gilbert being the Whipperling’s uncle.
Last Friday, grandson Bryce Laxdal, enjoyed a visit at Gramma Esther Indergaard’s home.
Saturday visitor and lunch guest at the Charlotte Koepplin home was Jimmy Indergaard. Sunday, Jimmy enjoyed supper at his home made by his sister, Ruth and Andy Braaten.
Tuesday, Margie Anderson was among those who attended the funeral service for Ida Wahlstrom in Sheyenne.