Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Talk of the Town - April 8, 2019

Leo and Janet Laube enjoyed supper out Friday as they celebrated Leo’s 88th birthday. Leo’s sister Lois Ochert called with good wishes.

Wednesday, Judy McKnight picked up Shirley Packard and they were among Kindred Sisters Bible Study group to meet at the Margie Anderson home.

Sunday, Karen Koepplin and sisters, Angie Hopfauf and Julie Johnson, drove to Dickinson and enjoyed the day with Ross and Allyssa and baby girl Kenna.

Wednesday Calvin Packard and Mom, Shirley, enjoyed a soup and sandwich fellowship supper prior to Lenten worship service at Grace Lutheran Church in Carrington. Thursday Elaine Thompson was a visitor at Shirley’s.

Saturday visitors at the Leo and Janet Laube home was grandson Scott Laube, from Fargo, his daughter Chloe, his friend Nikki and Annie the dog. A good visit was had by all and Annie enjoyed play time with cousin Yip-Yip.

Sunday, Ken and Marvis Holte enjoyed a phone chat with daughter Fayette Rink of Jamestown. Fayette shared some good news.

Saturday, Nate Rue, Hannah Brandner and Axel, picked up Grandpa, Ervin Longnecker, and drove to Carrington where they were among the many to attend a wrestling match. They rooted on family and friends, Nile Peterson and Billy Jorgensen.

Amanda Bickett and Izzy were Thursday afternoon visitors at the Ken and Marvis Holte home. Later they enjoyed coffee and a snack out on the town.