Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
The May 9, 1902, “New Rockford Transcript” mentioned the following: M.F. Kepner, manager of the Western Surety and Adjustment Company, had a new sign on the front of the old post office. Abstractor George Ackerman was planning on moving to Carrington to manage the office of the Western Surety and Adjustment Company there, but would retain his office in New Rockford. Charles Culp had a large force of men working on the new Babcock & Bucklin drug store building. Culp was also constructing the John Olson and the H.J. Mitchell houses; the Olson two-story house with a garret was almost done. Shoemaker John Wenz was planning on construction of a two-story shoe shop on his lots on Villard Avenue West. The addition to the Prader & Goss store was almost done.
Hans Jensen had purchased five Missouri mules and would work them during spring plowing.
Mrs. J.M. Mulvey had the flu for several days, but was able to be out. Jay Mulvey was out after his bout with mumps.
For several days that week veterinarian surgeon F.W. Tompkins of Oberon was in New Rockford on professional business. S.A. Olsness was on his way to his native Norway.
The previous week Miss Kathryn O’Keefe arrived to visit her brother Dennis O’Keefe and Mr. and Mrs. John Collins.
There were some snow flurries on the morning of May 9. That evening Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Biggs and Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Dresser were initiated into the Yeomen Lodge.
From May 9 to May 14, bowling alley owner F.W. House was in Lidgerwood on business.
On May 10, Orrin Clure, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Clure, went hunting gophers with a .22 rifle. Somehow the gun discharged, sending a bullet through his foot. The slug was found lodged in the sole of his shoe. The wound was painful, but not serious. J.F. Clure came in from his farm northwest of New Rockford. Lambert VanLith and S.P. Pisel were in town. J.W. Richter and his daughter Jet were down from Sheyenne.
On Sunday, May 11, Rev. John Noordewier preached in the Congregational Church; he would have charge of churches at Tiffany, Morris and Freeborn that summer. That afternoon Guy Thompson and Albert West drove to Carrington and took Newmann, the hypnotist, to catch the Soo Line train to Fessenden.
On May 12, Mrs. Axtle Johnson was in town shopping. S.O. Lee came in from Plainview. C.E. Allen came down from Knox to visit his father and some friends; he returned on May 19. F.C. Davies was in McHenry on business. Mrs. Jacob Schaefer and baby left to join her husband at Kenmare, where he had gone three weeks prior; since then they had been staying with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Maxwell. On that day William Thorn had taken up at his farm four miles northeast of New Rockford a red and white steer, two years old, with a rope around its neck.
On May 12 and the morning of May 13, James Walsh and Anson Bonney visited Fessenden. On May 12 and 13, merchant George M. Pike was in Jamestown ordering merchandise for summer and fall.
On May 13, Wentworth Mcgee of Tiffany, C.H. Ruland, and Christ Berge were in on business. Martin Larson was in from Plainview, and James G. Dailey came in from his farm southeast of town. Sheyenne barber H.J. Miller was in New Rockford. A.F. Schwenck was over from his Cathay farm. Peter Michel was in from the Guler district. Mr. and Mrs. H.M. Clark were in shopping. Mrs. James Dafoe took the train to Jamestown for a few days’ visit. Ray Hester visited McHenry.
On May 13, the athletic grounds developed by the Employees’ Association, James Hamilton, president, opened with bands playing, flags flying and a huge crowd. New Rockford beat Minnewaukan in baseball 13-4; the game had been postponed from May 8. New Rockford businesses closed at 1 p.m., so everyone could join the grand parade at 1:20 from the courthouse to the diamond west of town with the band leading. R.P. Allison spoke and presented the team with their uniforms; Donald Niven threw the first ball, and A.C. Buck hit it over the fence. The New Rockford lineup was Rand, p; Stickney, c; Ira Shroyer, 1b; Shaulis, 2b; Fred Belcher, 3b; A.J. Clure, ss; Dr. Charles McNamara, rf; Judson Gilbreath, lf; Granville Egbert, cf. Rev. J.R. Beebe was at the game, as were farmers John and Steve Guler from southwest of town and Carrington businessman Theron Cole. Minnewaukan barber J.T. Morris came down with the baseball team.
On May 14, H.H. Moen was down from Sheyenne. Mrs. C.S. Bosworth was in New Rockford shopping, as were Mrs. George Fields and Mrs. B.W. Hersey of Tiffany. T.H. Bollingberg was in from his farm northwest of town. T.H. Cousins, the traveling representative of the Andrews & Gage Elevator Company, was in town. Mrs. George Woodward returned to Devils Lake after a few days visiting Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Dresser and children. Mr. and Mrs. E.S. Severtson left for the Twin Cities and Shakopee. Nathan Flater went to Carrington to attend to funeral arrangements for Willis Eisenhuth, who died at home that morning.
From May 14 to May 17, A.J. Clure was in Minneapolis on business.
On May 14 to 17 and until noon on May 19, eye specialist Dr. C.G. Mugg of Minneapolis was at the Hotel Davies; C.A. Lathrop was the hotel manager. David Wellman and Jerry Finley, who was from eastern Eddy County, were in on business. Adjutant Dean of the Jamestown Salvation Army was in town soliciting subscriptions for their work; she had “considerable success.” H.J. Scott was running Ed Stitzel’s traction engine and was pulling two plows which turned over eight furrows at a time.
Bruce & Crepps had been receiving visitors from some of their old Iowa acquaintances who were looking to purchase land; on May 15 Mr. Crepps was in town with several would-be buyers, after which the group went north.
On May 15, Mr. and Mrs. I.W. Sheldon were in New Rockford; he had some business to attend to. Peter Johnson was up from Carrington with his “little green wagon” to supply the merchants with Standard Oil for their lamps. Hans Jensen drove in from eastern Eddy County behind a span of mules. George Fahrer returned from three weeks in Lancaster, Ohio, his former home, accompanied by his brother Frank, who came to recuperate from an illness. That night J.M. Mulvey’s St. Bernard named Dewey died.