Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
Friday, John and Donna Grann went to the CNDC indoor track meet to watch Johnny run the 1600 meter race and cheer on the Rockets. On the way, the Grann’s stopped in Rugby to visit Donna’s brother, Eugene Howard. Sunday, John and Johnny Grann, Zac Johnson and Elise Burwell went to Greg Carlson and family’s arena in Jamestown to practice tie down roping calves.
Todd and Nadley Buehler enjoyed supper in Devils Lake with Scott and Marilyn Thompson Friday evening. Randy and Charlotte Simon visited Todd and Nadley Sunday evening Charlotte brought a delicious strawberry pie.
Thursday night, Jake, Amanda, Fallyn and Piper Hegland had supper at Jarvis and Patty Hegland’s home. Jill Zietz and children, Rosa, Emma, Silas and Logan were also guests. Friday, Jake, Amanda, Fallyn and Piper were in Fargo for Piper’s medical appointments. Amanda’s parents, Terry and Nancy Weischedel came from South Dakota for a visit on Saturday.
Lester Roberts attended the North Star Community Credit Union supper and annual meeting Friday evening. Roger visited Lester on Saturday and Chad Getscher was a Sunday visitor.
Linda Madson’s nephew, Kevin VenHuizen of Fargo, visited the Madson’s on Tuesday afternoon. Carrie Madson and Paul Prince stopped by for a visit at Dave and Linda’s on Wednesday afternoon. Dave and Linda attended the Community Concert presentation, “Sons of Serendip” at the college auditorium on Thursday evening. They were a very talented group and had appeared on “America’s Got Talent” show several years ago. Friday, the Madson’s traveled to Grand Forks to keep medical appointments. Melodie Madson was a supper guest at Dave and Linda’s Sunday evening. Kennedee and McKenzee were visiting their Grandma Julie for the afternoon and evening.
Thought to remember: Each day comes bearing gifts. It is up to you to untie the ribbons.