Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
David and Diane Karlsbraaten were weekend guests at the home of Tracy and Jason Bedsaul In West Fargo. Easter Sunday guests at the home of Keith and Sara Hanson in West Fargo were David and Diane Karlsbraaten; Jason, Tracy, Henry and Charlie Bedsaul; John and Mary Hanson; and Christy, Grace and Sophia Larson.
Saturday, Steph Loe, Mary Ellen Rue, Beverly Soderholm, Rhoda Stenberg and Jan Loe traveled to Lakota for a birthday brunch for Marilyn Stenberg, hosted by Dave and Nadine Salwey from Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Ellen Burthold from Mcville and Becky Forde and her two little ones, Eric and Cheyenne, from Pekin also joined them for the brunch.
Jan Loe had Easter Sunday dinner with Marilyn Stenberg of Lakota and Jason Stenberg of Pekin at the Cedar Inn in Devils Lake. On Monday, Steph Loe and Jan Loe had lunch in Devils Lake, did a little shopping and then traveled through Sully's Hill to see some buffalo and elk.
Last Thursday, Patti Clifton joined Nicole Geiszler and Peg Clifton and traveled to Tolna to watch the Carrington Cardinals baseball team play the Mustangs of Midkota/Griggs Co. Central/Dakota Prairie/Lakota. On Monday, Patti attended the Cardinals' game versus the SNR Black Sox in New Rockford.
The Foot Clinic this month at the Sheyenne Senior Center will be held on Thursday morning, May 2.