Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

County Commission considers Extension staffing options

Central District Director for North Dakota State University Extension, Ron Wiederholt, visited with the Eddy County Commission at their regular meeting on Tuesday, May 21, regarding the recently vacated Eddy County Extension Agent position. Eddy County has arranged to pay for Tim Becker’s services on a part-time basis to assist Extension support staff Chandy Howard in coordinating 4-H Achievement Days. Wiederholt reminded the commissioners that the county is not without NDSU representation, as NDSU Extension Agent Donna Anderson remains on staff and has many NDSU resources behind her.

Wiederholt also discussed options for filling the agent position, including the hire of a full-time agent to replace Becker. Commissioners can also consider sharing an agent with Foster County, since both Foster and Eddy counties are currently in need. Wiederholt conceded that, despite the cost-savings that would come with combining the two counties, there are drawbacks. The biggest drawback would be the potential for the loss of a local relationship that is developed when a county has their own agent. Another drawback would be the loss of efficiencies as the one agent representing two counties would run the risk of becoming a meeting attender, rather than an Extension Agent as they would be responsible to two county commissions, two weed boards, two Soil Conservation Districts, two 4-H Councils, etc.

The commission was advised to develop a local Extension Advisory Council, which would include between 8-15 members. The members would be a cross section that would include youth, business owners, landowners, farmers and county commissioners which would give a larger, grassroots focus on the needs of the county.

Wiederholt will provide the commissioners with a job description and he told them that once the commission has decided on a course of action, NDSU will start the recruiting process. Candidates will be required to have a bachelor’s degree, although a masters degree would be preferred. Preference will be given to someone who has experience with youth programs such as 4-H or FFA, education or other relationship building experiences.

Bob Sween represented Gowan Construction regarding the condition of Eddy County 1, which deteriorated badly with the extreme temperatures and heavy traffic over the winter. The road was originally built by the prior owners of Gowan Construction and Sween told the commissioners that they would work with Eddy County Road Superintendent to arrange for the repairs to be made to the road. The commission also approved the purchase of a Butler rotary mower and will be advertising the 1977 Motor grader for sale.

Sheriff Paul Lies requested that the cap to carry vacation hours over to be raised for the Eddy County deputies, as it is difficult for them to use their vacation before the end of the year, especially if they work over the holidays in November and December. Lies requested that the cap, which is currently 120 hours, be raised to 200 hours. The commissioners approved his request and Lies will amend the department’s policy manual.

He told the commissioners that the Foster County sheriff requested he broach the subject of the joint-hiring of a truck regulatory officer for Eddy, Foster and Wells counties. After discussion, the Eddy County commissioners were not in favor of the request at this time, as they are currently receiving services from the state truck regulatory officer.

Lies informed the commissioners that the new pickup is now operational and the squad car that had been in an accident has now been repaired. Lies also presented the department’s quarterly report to the commission, which was previously reported to the New Rockford City Commission.

Eddy County Auditor Patty Williams reminded the commission that they need to start working on budgets early again this year in order to meet the state deadlines, and that they will need to discuss wages before the individual departments can make their budgets.

The next regular meeting of the Eddy County Commission will be Tuesday, June 4 at 8:30 a.m.