Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
It's been a tough year for the community. After the unexpected windstorm that ripped through our region on July 8, 2018, we found ourselves knee-deep in downed trees and wondering how things will ever look "normal" again.
While our parks, yards and neighborhoods might not ever look exactly the same, we can say that we are a community of recovery and resiliency.
On Wednesday, May 29, the North Dakota State Arbor Day event will be held in New Rockford to celebrate the community's recovery from the storm.
In addition, the City of New Rockford is being recognized with a Tree City USA award sponsored by the Arbor Day Foundation, in cooperation with the USDA Forest Service and the National Association of State Foresters.
The 2019 Arbor Day Celebration will begin at 11 a.m. at the Centennial "Gazebo" Park located in downtown New Rockford.
Opening remarks will be provided by Gerri Makay of the North Dakota Forest Service.
American Legion Raymond B. Thorn Post #30 members will present the colors.
New Rockford City Commission President Calvin Packard will offer an official welcome. North Dakota Senate Minority Leader Joan Heckaman will deliver the Proclamation and Keynote.
New Rockford-Sheyenne Junior Jaden Gray Greiner will present a poetry reading, followed by a musical selection performed by New Rockford-Sheyenne 2018 alum Micah Nicolai.
Tom Claeys, Interim State Forester of the North Dakota Forest Service, will present the Tree USA award to the City of New Rockford. New Rockford has achieved the Tree City USA status for 28 years.
The program will close with the planting of an Ohio Buckeye tree in Centennial Park, presented to the City of New Rockford by the Arbor Day Foundation as part of the Community Tree Recovery effort in New Rockford.
A complementary picnic in the park will immediately follow the program, provided by New Rockford Park District & North Dakota Forest Service.