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Online: USDA to provide up to $16 billion in agriculture assistance

Senator Hoeven made the case for additional aid for farmers

WASHINGTON – Senator John Hoeven, chairman of the Senate Agriculture Appropriations Committee and a member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, released the following statement regarding USDA’s plan to provide up to $16 billion in agriculture assistance to help producers who have been impacted during trade negotiations. Hoeven has been making the case to the Administration, including the White House and USDA, to release another round of Market Facilitation Program (MFP) payments as well as additional agriculture assistance. The senator will be at the White House today with the President and farmers.

“Ultimately, we want better trade deals in place, but with China backtracking on trade negotiations, this agriculture assistance is necessary,” said Hoeven. “We’ve been working to secure another round of MFP payments and other agriculture assistance, and we appreciate the Administration for providing this support for our producers, who have been unfairly targeted by retaliatory tariffs. Not only will this help our farmers, but supporting our agriculture industry will send a clear message to China that the U.S. will do what it takes to get better trade deals.”

As chairman of the Agriculture Appropriations Committee, Hoeven worked with USDA and the Administration to provide the agriculture aid. Hoeven worked not only to secure more aid, but also to ensure coverage for canola and other commodities impacted by tariffs.

The plan announced today includes:

• Market Facilitation Program Payments – $14.5 Billion in direct payments to producers.

-All Title I commodities will be covered, including soybeans, wheat, corn, canola and others.

-Payments will be made in three tranches, with the first payment going out in July or August, and additional payments in November and January depending on progress in trade negotiations and market conditions.

• Food Purchases - $1.4 Billion

Including purchases of surplus commodities like fruits, vegetables, beef, pork, poultry and milk for food pantries, school nutrition programs and other

• Agriculture Trade Promotion - $100 Million

To help develop new markets for U.S. agriculture goods