Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
Saturday morning Doug Cudworth was a visitor at the Margie Anderson home. Doug filled Margie in on his recent trip to Italy with Merle and Marlys Hanson.
House guests Sunday thru Wednesday at the Charlotte Koepplin home were cousin
Sandra Johnson and her mother Ramona Koepplin. Both are from Minneapolis. It was their yearly trip to the New Rockford area where they tend to loved ones graves in honor of Memorial Day. Others they got a chance to visit with while here were Martin and Janelle Koepplin, Todd and Karen Koepplin, Taylor Koepplin, Charles Richter and Doug and Ann Smith.
Margie Anderson and others from Pleasant Prairie attended New Rockford- Sheyenne High School Graduation Sunday and the many open house celebrations in the area. Margie’s granddaughter Sandra Larson and Ervin Longnecker’s grandson Tucker Longnecker were among the proud graduates. Margie also attended the open house for
Jake Williams at the Monte and Patty Williams home.
Surprise visitors Sunday morning at the Charlotte Koepplin home were Martin and Janelle Koepplin and Jay and Trisha Koepplin, Wylie, Zaylie and Max.
Pleasant Prairie has lost a former resident, Esther Indergaard. Many area neighbors, family and friends extend sympathy to the Indergaard family.