Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Sermonette- June 3, 2019

Dare I say it? Is spring finally here? It sure looks like it and I am glad as I'm sure most of you are also. Late May and early June seems to pretty much belong to the children. They are going through final tests for the school year. There are concerts and award nights, state contests in various academic endeavours as well as athletic events. There are graduations and often times, accompanying open houses. Not only are there school events, there are also church related events. Sunday schools have their last classes for the season as well as Confirmation students, to their great relief. Some churches hold their Confirmation Services, also referred to as Affirmation of Baptism, about this time also. Relatives come from out of town to help celebrate. Oh yes, the kids are the center of attention at this time.

All this attention focusing on our younger folks reminded me of the book of Genesis in the Old Testament. It is full of wonderful bible stories that are great teaching tools for many different ages. I like preaching from the Old Testament and there are stories there that have good lessons for adults as well.

This story is well known. Joseph is his father's favorite. He is spoiled and rubs it in with his older brothers. They are working with the family flocks while Joseph wears fancy clothes and jewelry, gifts from his father. Naturally they are resentful and as things progress, they at first choose to kill him and end up opting to sell him into slavery to a passing caravan on its way to Egypt. There, Joseph climbs the ladder of success and becomes a trusted employee of the Pharoah. One might say he actually had the power of the Pharoah in nearly all things to do with the inner workings of Egypt. Joseph, through God's inspiration, knows of the coming drought and has planned accordingly. After years of plenty, the famine hits as Joseph had said but Egypt has grain on hand to sell. Joseph's brothers come from Caanan to buy grain and they meet Joseph but do not recognize him.

It's about this time in my sermon writing of how Joseph reacts to seeing his brothers when it dawns on me, I'm writing an Old Testament sermon, but the message is screaming the passage from Luke. “Do good to those who hate you. Pray for those who abuse you.” Joseph is dealing with his brothers in Egypt exactly what Jesus commanded his followers to do in Luke's gospel. Joseph not only forgives his brothers, he doesn't even blame them for their actions. He has them go home and bring the whole family with them to Egypt and he gives them prime real estate in which to settle and tells them not to worry, he will provide for them. Wow.

This story epitomizes what it means to be a Christian. It also warns of the dangers of giving too much attention to one child at the expense of the others. It tells us in no uncertain terms what is expected of us. I think it is one of the most difficult things we must do in our obedience to God's mandates. To forgive and to continue to love others no matter how badly we've been wronged. This is a great story. My synopsis here is very brief. The whole story is in Genesis and I encourage you to read it. Blessings to you all.