Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Sheyenne News - June 10, 2019

Jan Loe's "swimming grandmas" group went to Carrington for lunch at the Garden Gate after their swimming workout last Wednesday. Later, they went flower shopping around the Carrington area.

David and Diane Karlsbraaten attended the graduation exercises for Ryan Schlicting at Nemzek Hall at MSUM. Following graduation, they attended an open house at the Kurt and Miranda Schlicting home in honor of Ryan’s high school graduation from Moorhead High School.

Jan Loe attended the burial of Dianne (Goranson) Maupin at the Oberon cemetery on Saturday. Jan also helped serve a meal at the Calvary Lutheran Church after the burial. There were lots of memories shared and catching up with long time friends.

Saturday afternoon, Patti Clifton was in Carrington for the open house bridal shower for Shania Murphy, granddaughter of Bob and Peg Clifton. The event was held at the Putnam House.

Denise Labrensz, along with Allison and Jase Pfeiffer, attended the LegenDAIRY event at VanBedaf Dairy in rural Carrington on Sunday, June 2.

Monday afternoon, Patti Clifton attended the funeral service for Ida Tedrow at the Congregational Church in New Rockford. Patti's brother Dave Hoffman of Fargo also came for the service.

Soup and Bible Study will be held at the Sheyenne Senior Center on Tuesday, June 11. All are welcome.