Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Talk of the Town - June 17, 2019

New Rockford and area folks extend sympathy to the family of Louie Guler.

Recent visitors at the Shirley Packard home were Todd Harrison, Veronica and Alex.

Martin and Janelle Koepplin were weekend guests at the Jay and Trisha McMonagel home in Brainerd, Minn., taking fourth birthday greetings to granddaughter Zaylle.

Marvis Holte enjoyed tea one afternoon at daughter Amanda Bickett’s home.

Eloise Lucht enjoyed phone calls and chats from her sisters Sunday. Ann Wheeler of Alaska, Ardy Salisbury of Devils Lake and Ivy of Minnesota. Ann was wanting a favorite red rhubarb dessert and Ardy is recuperating from recent knee surgery.

Dawson, son of Tony and Gina Clifton, was among the confirmands at First Lutheran Church Sunday and was the honored guest at a family potluck dinner later at the Golf Club. Among family and friends bringing good wishes of the day were grandparents. Terry and Sandy Koepplin, Clifton grandparents and Candy Jensen.

Saturday welcome visitors at the Leo and Janet Laube home were Niece Robin Westall of Fargo, Niece Carla Roberts of Warrode, Minn., and Nephew Harlo Nelson of Ada, Minn. All enjoyed visiting over lunch at the Rockford Cafe. They visited the graves of parents Harlo and Betty Nelson at Prairie Home Cemetery before saying good bye and were on their way back to their homes.

Doris Leik and Marjean Pfau and Beatrice Hoyt stopped in for visits this past week at the Lillian Gedrose home. Friday Judy Cudworth visited at Lillian’s. Judy is recuperating from recent surgery.

Special Gramma Candy Jensen truly enjoyed a Thursday afternoon visit with Mindy Skjerva and Audrey Jo at the Skjerva home bringing special treats for Audrey Jo.

Daughter Amanda and Cody Bickett were honored supper guests Thursday at the Ken and Marvis Holte home as a celebration for the Bickett’s 17th wedding anniversary.

Monday visitor at the Shirley Packard home was Elaine Thompson.

Leo and Janet Laube and Yip Yip enjoyed a country drive Sunday, touring the Sheyenne area east and checking out the old farmstead area where Janet grew up in Pleasant Prairie Township.

Candy Jensen got a phone call from cousin Sandy Johnson (Koepplin) that Sandys,

mother, Ramona Koepplin was in a Minneapolis hospital after a bout with a migraine headache. Ramona is fine and will soon be out of the hospital. The message was relayed.

On Monday, June 10th Sharon Young and Margory Bohnet enjoyed touring seven Scandinavian churches in the Esmond-Maddock area hosted by the Mollargutten Lodge Sons of Norway with Mavis Maloney and Jim Gulbertson as guides. Thirty-five participants enjoyed touring churches that were over 100 years old, including one church on the National Historic Registry.

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