Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
Wednesday June 19, Leo and Janet Laube enjoyed supper out in celebration of their 48th wedding anniversary. Visitors Thursday, at the Shirley Packard home were Todd Harrison and Alex.
Wednesday daughter, Heidi Schneider, drove Martin and Eloise Lucht to Fargo where Martin had a medical appointment. They stayed over and returned home Thursday.
Monday visitors at the Ken and Marvis Holte home were Cody and Amanda Bickett.
Saturday Shirley Packard and Calvin, Jerome and Vida Klocke were among the many who attended the funeral service for Louie Guler at the Evangelical Free Church in New Rockford. The Klocke's are from Underwood and also visited at Shirley's and at the Todd Harrison home. All visited Prairie Home Cemetery where they cleaned stones of loved ones graves and the Klocke's put a hanging plant on mom, Ida Womacks grave.
Son, Orrin, was a guest a couple days at the Lillian Gedrose home. Orrin is from Tioga.
Ken and Marvis Holte were visitors and coffee guests at the Charlotte Koepplin home Saturday afternoon.
Tuesday Ken and Marvis Holte drove to Jamestown where they done some shopping and picked up daughter Faye Nelson and enjoyed a visit over coffee.
Helper at the Shirley Packard home Saturday was Mary Ghertz.
Darrell and June (Hagen) of Helena, Mont, were recent guests of Richard and Sandy O’Connor. While in North Dakota, they also visited June’s brother, Lew Wilson, in fargo.