Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
Ervin Longnecker, Cory Jorgensen, Dale and Diane Rosenberg, Nancy Ludwig, Duff and Sandy Settelmeyer, Bill andDiana Ziegler and Charlotte Koepplin attended the monthly meeting of Circle Trail Riders Inc. on Monday evening at the Eagles Club in New Rockford.
Saturday Jimmy Indergaard was a visitor at the homes of Mervin Indergaard and Andy and Ruth Braaten. Monday he enjoyed a phone call from his sister Sharon Laxdal.
Tony Rademacher treated Ervin Longnecker to dinner at the School House Cafe in Grace City last Sunday.
Thursday July 11, Charlotte Koepplin called sister-in-law Janelle Koepplin and wished her a happy birthday.
Margie Anderson enjoyed a visit with Edgar Duda Sunday at Golden Acres Manor in Carrington. Later daughter Patti Larson stopped at Margie’s and the gals enjoyed a chat over angel food cake and strawberries.
Friday morning found Karen Koepplin a brief visitor at the Charlotte Koepplin home. Some yummy ribs and other fixings were enjoyed at the Ervin Longnecker home Sunday. The chef being Joyce Anderson and other guests Don Ziegler and Karen McBain.
Brief visitor Sunday afternoon at the Charlotte Koepplin home was Taylor Koepplin bringing some fresh caught fish, filleted and ready for the pan.
Thursday Margie Anderson was among the many who attended 4-H Achievement Days at the Fairgrounds in New Rockford. She viewed the many exhibits and enjoyed supper.
Monday morning coffee at the Ervin Longnecker home was Cory Jorgensen and Billy.
Saturday Ervin Longnecker accompanied Merle and Sandy Longnecker to Grand Forks where they were among the many who attended the all school football game. Grandson Tucker Longnecker was among the players from New Rockford-Sheyenne High School
with his team winning the game. Ervin Longnecker called his sister Lucille Saldivar recently to check on her and see if she felt the recent Anaheim earthquake in California. Lucille got shook in her bed and things fell out of the cupboards, nothing serious at her home. Although she said the aftershocks were worse than the initial quake.