Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Letter to the Editor: July 22, 2019

Apparently the North Dakota Congressional Delegation has joined the 'change the name or tear it down' crowd with a proposal to change the name of Sully Hill National Game Preserve to White Horse Hill.

It is disappointing to see our congressional delegation wasting time on this just before they leave for their six week annual vacation. Did you know this vacation first started in the early days of Washington because of the hot, sticky weather conditions? Apparently installing air conditioning in the halls of Congress in 1929 has not alleviated the problem! Does North Dakota need to join the movement in removing historical statues, renaming buildings and tearing down crosses to “keep up with the Jones”?

There are more critical issues our Congressional Delegation should be addressing including: immigration, health care, budget deficit, trade wars affecting North Dakota agricultural products and even the issue of air ambulance overcharging as noted in the “Grand ForksHerald” on June 16.

What are the costs involved with this proposed name change? A lot of signs will have to be updated. There will have to be signage 'explaining' what the name was from 1904 until 2019 and why it had to be changed. The beautiful elk gracing the entrance to the preserve will certainly have to be replaced with a white horse. It won't be cheap, but suppose we can borrow the money from China.

As of July 18, the “Herald” poll on the name change shows 67% opposing the change and 33% supporting it. Some readers will agree with me, others will not. I urge each of you to contact our North Dakota Congressional delegation and let them know how you feel. I have already done this. We can't complain if they do something that no one objects to. Will you take the time to express your feelings?

To my initial comment about their upcoming six week 'vacation,' maybe taxpayers should demand time clocks be installed in the House and Senate so our representatives will have to check in and show just how many hours they actually do work, whether on important things (immigration) or petty things (like changing the name of Sullys Hill).

Mike Connor

Devils Lake, ND

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