Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Pleasant Prairie News - Aug 5, 2019

Ervin Longnecker and Margie Anderson were among those who attended visitation for Delores Omoth Friday evening at Evan’s Funeral Home in New Rockford.

Granddaughter Sandra Larson was a recent visitor at the Margie Anderson home. Sandra gave a blow-by-blow of her science camp experience in West Virginia and Washington DC.

Candy Jensen was a Wednesday supper guest at the Charlotte Koepplin home in celebration of Candy's birthday.

Wednesday found Jimmy Indergaard a visitor at the Dennis and Fran Walen home.

Ervin Longnecker and Alan Omoth were recent visitors and supper guests at the Eric and Lisa Longnecker home.

Saturday evening Margie Anderson enjoyed a visit at the Vivian Rimmereid home. Sunday Margie visited several at the Lutheran Home of the Good Shepherd.

Charlotte Koepplin accompanied by Candy Jensen drove to Carrington Tuesday morning where Charlotte got good report from eye appointment.

Martin Koepplin was a Friday helper and dinner guest at the Charlotte Koepplin home. Tuesday afternoon Margie Anderson was a brief visitor at Charlotte's.

Sunday evening Charlotte Koepplin was among family and friends to enjoy a picnic

supper at the Taylor and Amanda Koepplin home. It was the unveiling of pink or blue confetti as to Taylor and Amanda's new addition to the family coming in December. It’s a girl!

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