Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

NR-S School Board finalizes 2019-20 budget, reviews favorable financial audit

After months of number crunching, the New Rockford-Sheyenne School district's $4,394,512.95 final 2019-20 budget was approved. This budget includes adjustments to transportation, food service, substitute stipends, salaries for instructors and temporary janitors.

The final budget included a breakdown of funding sources. In the 2019-2020 budget, 30.28% of revenue came in the form of local funding sources, for a total of $1,330,791. State funding sources comprise 65.66% of the budget, or $2,885,624. Federal funding of $178,097.95 represents 4.05% of the budget.

The Final Certificate of Levy was also approved. The public levy meeting was held on Sept. 9 at 7 p.m., so the board could hear public comments on the matter. Louters reported very little community presence at the meeting.The proposed levy presented for the upcoming tax year totaled 99.38 mills. The general fund will account for 70 mills, miscellaneous fund 6.62 mills, 10 mills for the building fund, and 12.76 mills for debt service on the $3 million renovation project.

This proposal was up by 0.38 mills from the previous year's 99 mills levied.

As a side note, Superintendent Jill Louters noted a decline in the number of student lunches served. She explained that the kitchen staff is working to prepare meals that kids want to eat.

Board members also got their first look at the 2018 19 audit."There were no incidents of noncompliance," accountant Emil Schoenfish said as he presented his audit of the district's financial records. As an independent auditor, Schoenfish gave a favorable opinion regarding the school district's financial position and commended the board and business manager for keeping such tidy records.

In her short report, Louters stated that this time of year much of her efforts are dedicated to state and federal reporting. One of such reports was the Compliance Report for 2019-20, which provides the Department of Public Instruction (DPI with key indicators including instructor licensure and qualification, implementation of safety requirements and background checks, and enforcement of the N.D. Century Code as related to student services, counseling, health education and instructional evaluation.

Louters also pointed out the cost per pupil chart on the last page of the 2018-19 Financial Report for DPI. According to the report, the district spends a total of $3,164,658.89 on 298 students. This includes instructional media services, staff support services, administration, business/support services and operation and maintenance. Therefore, on average the district is spending $10,605.07 per pupil.

Principal Natalie Becker reported on the progress made on teacher evaluation and observation completed to date. Friday, Sept. 20 marked the first early out of the academic year. For administration and staff, this means professional development. Becker described this would be presented "buffet style," which means staff will be able to pick and choose professional development delivery options that suit them best. Principal Avolt Baumbach is pleased with Power School as a scheduling tool. He is continuing to talk to parents, and has hosted parent groups to allow discussion regarding the high school schedules.

The board heard this month's teacher report from Athletic Director Elliott Belquist, who reported that boys athletic numbers are strong, with 75% of junior high and 50% of high school boys participating. The numbers for girls was lower in both junior high and high school.

The board accepted the appointment of student representatives per the recommendation of Principal Baumbach: Cassie Longnecker, Chloe Heinz and Ashlynn Benson. The students then proceeded to deliver the student report, which included the preparations for Homecoming week.

The grading committee, which the board asked for in May to assess the current grading policies, has now been fully established with their first meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 17 at 7 p.m. Parents serving on the committee include Travis Benson, Darcy Lies, Amy Wobbema, Scott Granger and Natasha Pool. School staff members include Rita Anderson, Avolt Baumbach, Pat Rinde and Jill Louters. Patti Larson will join David Holzwarth as board representatives. In addition, student class officers in grades 7-10 were encouraged to participate.

The next meeting of the NR-S School board will be held on Oct. 14 at 7 p.m.