Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

History of New Rockford: Sept. 30, 2019

On Sept. 13, 1902, Mrs. Florence Miller’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James McGwine, arrived by train to visit; they had been on the Pacific Coast for two months. William Milne, Sr., was in town with some large crab apples grown on his farm in the Sheyenne Valley. J.R. Craig was in on business. Frank Graham came in from Tiffany. Mr. and Mrs. D.H. Keyton were in town. Mr. and Mrs. James Dafoe were down from the Sheyenne Valley to shop, as were Mr. and Mrs. Sylvanus Marriage from southeast of town. Eddie Monahan brought in a load of wheat that weighed 10,550 lbs.; he sold it to B.W. Rantz at the Powers Elevator. Misses Beth and Harriet Davidson left for Hamline University; Miss Beth would resume her studies, while Miss Harriet would begin hers. Monte Biggs cut his thumb on the buzz saw in Kennedy’s wood yard, but it was not serious.

That afternoon the Democratic County Convention met in the courthouse to nominate a county ticket and select delegates to the legislative convention in Carrington. Iver Vick, the chairman of the Central Committee, appointed D.Y. Stanton as the chairman pro tem. L.J. Doyle was the temporary secretary. Stanton appointed Axtle Johnson, William Milne, Sr., and George M. Pike as a committee on credentials. D.Y. Stanton was elected the permanent chairman and P.J. Braman the secretary.

The following were nominated: L.J. “Darby” Doyle, County Auditor; William Starke, Register of Deeds; James A. Manly, State’s Attorney; Anton Haas, County Treasurer; D.Y. Stanton, County Judge; Josiah Hoffman, County Superintendent of Schools; A.C. Buck, Clerk of Court; J.W. Perry, County Surveyor; F.D. Norton, County Coroner; J.R. Craig, Philip Brandt, E.P. Cosgrove, James Hobbes, Justices of the Peace; Fred Laasch, Julius Ponto, Jeremiah Carroll, D.D. Dailey, Constables; Assessors: First District, A.J. Richter; Second District, Pat O’Connor; Third District, Knudt O. Vick; County Commissioners: First District, Paul Noack; Second District, William Milne, Sr. There was no nomination for county sheriff.

Delegates chosen for the legislative convention were Axtle Johnson, J.L. Prader, Jr., William Milne, Sr., F.D. Norton, P.J. Braman, George M. Pike and D.Y. Stanton.

Named to the Democratic County Central Committee were James A. Manly, member-at-large; P.J. Braman, New Rockford; J.L. Prader, Jr., Hall; Axtle Johnson, Pitt; George Justice, Fay; J.R. Craig, Sheldon; B.W. Hersey, Tiffany; John Seckinger, Colvin; Iver Vick, Sheyenne; William Milne, Sr., Rocky Mountain; and George Pincott, Dutee. W.C. Bowers of the Pitt precinct was at the convention.

On Sunday, Sept. 14, there were memorial services in the Congregational Church in honor of the death of President William McKinley the year before. The large congregation heard a “stirring tribute” to the deceased soldier, statesman, and president by Rev. J.R. Beebe. S.J. McCue and Andrew Sorum drove up from Carrington.

On Monday, Sept. 15, the New Rockford Schools opened. Miss Lydia Messerschmidt of Minneapolis was the new principal; no assistant principal had been signed yet. Miss Caroline Trainer, Grammar Department; Miss Cora B. Davis of Minneapolis, First Primary; and Miss Harriet A. Jefferson of Argyle, Minn., Second Primary, rounded out the staff.

The Eddy County Commission met that day. They voted to pay the following: $74.64 to George O’Connor, grading; $48 to L. Wigmosta, grading; $74.43 to P.B. Anderson, planks, etc.; $146.25 to George Treffry, grading; $63.35 to A.F. Prouty, grading; $30 to W.C. Hayes, janitor.

That day Gus Larson was over from Twist. Charles Hutchinson was in on business, as were Elmer and Charles Dinnetz from northwest of town and J.A. Bailey from southeast of town. Mrs. F.S. Atkinson went to Grand Forks to care for an ill sister; she returned on Sept. 19. That evening there was a surprise farewell party for Jay Mulvey at his parents’ home. A large number of his friends were there; refreshments were served. Also that evening Mrs. C.J. Maddux went to the Royal Neighbors’ meeting, but found only two members present. Upon returning home, 28 members surprised her with a party. Miss Frances Thomson presented her with a solid gold emblem. Refreshments were served.

On Sept. 15, the Bank of New Rockford, Ernest S. Severtson, cashier, had resources (assets) of $111,730.20, down $57,454.09 from the $169,184.29 of July 16. Checking accounts amounted to $58,133.17, down $483.94 from the $58,617.11 of July 16.

On Sept. 15, the Eddy County State Bank, James E. Hyde, cashier, had resources (assets) of $22,795.99, down $6,266.64 from the $29,062.63 of July 16. Checking accounts were $7811.68, down $6054.61 from the $13,865.84 July 16.

On Sept. 16, R.P. Allison returned from a legal trip to Bismarck. Mrs. F.E. Woodward came down from Maddock. H.G. Lathrop came in from the east end of the county. Former resident Henry Davis was down from Rugby, where he had a bowling alley. Mrs. J.N. Kunkle was over from Fessenden. Charley Baird and Jay Mulvey left for Faribault, Minn., to attend the Shattuck Military Academy. Dr. C.J. McNamara went to Duluth to visit relatives; he returned on Sept. 22. Ruby Hartson returned to her Minnesota home. Town marshal P.H. West found a couple of transients who were drunk and disorderly. “They showed some fight” when he put them under arrest, so he had to “cool them off” with his “billy.” The next day they were brought before Judge J.R. Winslow and fined five dollars and costs which they paid.

On Sept. 17, Miss Carolyn Waters visited friends in New Rockford; on Sept. 22 she left for Chicago for instruction in vocal music; from there she would visit her old home in New York State. Dr. G.D. Murphy of Minneapolis arrived. He was a graduate of the Minneapolis College of Physicians and Surgeons and had spent a year as house physician at St. Mary’s Hospital in Minneapolis. His office would be in the Hotel Mattson until he could find a more permanent location.

That evening in the Hotel Davies Mrs. Florence Miller hosted a reception in honor of her parents Mr. and Mrs. James McGwine of Lancaster, Ohio. There were about 65guests. Progressive euchre and whist were played. with “fine fingernail knives” awarded to the winners: Mrs. O.E. Couch in whist and Mrs. Viola Woodward in euchre for the ladies. For the gentlemen, ivory paper knives went to J.W. Stoddard in euchre and E.S. Severtson, who won a play-off with Mrs. Radtke as his partner against Ben Fay and H.G. Hudson in whist. Consolation prizes (bottles of ketchup) went to James A. Manly and Mrs. James Stoddard. Mr. McGwine and Mrs. Miller each sang a solo; sandwiches, cake, and coffee were served.

On Sept. 18, Dennis O’Connor came in from Goodrich, where he had been a grain buyer; he left on Sept. 21 for Denhoff, where he would buy grain. Mrs. James Turner arrived to spend the winter with her daughter Mrs. Oliver on Lamborn Avenue East. Mrs. F.G. Haver returned from Oberon, accompanied by her sister Mrs. Gertrude McGeoch. Frank Ponto was down from his Sheyenne farm on business. Mrs. C.J. Maddux and her three children left for southern California for two weeks to improve the health of Master Charles. That evening John T. West came in from eastern Eddy County for repairs to his separator.

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