Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Talk of the Town: Sept. 30, 2019

New Rockford and area folks extend sympathy to the families of Sylvia Kjos and Dale Nystrom.

Thursday found Ken and Marvis Holte in Jamestown doing some shopping and enjoying a visit over coffee and treats with daughter Fayette Nelson. Thursday Martin and Eloise Lucht enjoyed a visit from Alan and Marge Stolz of Bismarck.

A number of folks including Wayne and Phillis Topp, Wade Wipperling, Arlene Weber, Mr and Mrs Tom Ryan, Galen Borth and the family of Leo and Janet Laube attended funeral service for Leo Saturday afternoon at the First Lutheran Church in New Rockford. Friday evening amidst the rain a number of family, neighbors and friends attended the prayer service for Leo at Evans Funeral Home in New Rockford.

Shirley Packard’s home was a busy place over Steam Threshers weekend despite the rains. Friday daughters Cindy Toben and sons Cooper and Parker of Clear Lake, S.D. and Christy Schuda of Mounds View, Minn., arrived for the weekend. Cindy brought plenty of groceries including homegrown beefsteak tomatoes. Despite the wet conditions, Christy and the boys and Calvin Packard took in the 4-H dinner and listened to music at Potters Pavilion at the Steam Threshers Reunion where Calvin was helping out. Saturday evening, Cindy and Christy being the chief cooks prepared supper at Shirley's for Todd Harrison and Alex and Teresa Harrison. Teresa was visiting from her home in Mesa, Ariz. Sunday Veronica Harrison joined all back at Shirley's for some more good visiting and eating. Later they raided late grandmother, Ida Womacks apple trees and tiger lilies. After an enjoyable weekend, the gals all left for their homes on Sunday.

Friday Loren and Amber Holte and McKenzie arrived at the Ken and Marvis Holte home.

Saturday Loren, Cody and Amanda Bickett took in and toured the buildings where possible at the Steam Threshers Reunion in New Rockford. Later all drove to Jamestown where they enjoyed a visit with sister Fayette and Donnie Nelson.

Guests at the Lillian Gedrose home have been son Don of Sleepy Eye, Minn., and daughter Karenn and Myron Runge. Gordon and Betty Schimke of Bismarck stopped in one afternoon for a visit.

Friday Tim Hartl and Shirley Packard were hosts at the Eddy County Museum. They welcomed students by the bus load from Devils Lake. The students also investigated the Steam Threshers Reunion. Some unique coincidences occurred at the museum, want to know more? Ask Shirley.

One afternoon found Margie Anderson a visitor arriving at the Shirley Packard home with some cucumbers.

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