Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Pleasant Prairie News: Oct. 14, 201290

Last Sunday, Jimmy Indergaard was among family and friends to attend the wedding of his niece Brooke Laxdal at Edinberg.

Charlotte Koepplin enjoyed a phone call from Eileen Williams Friday as she was en-route back to her home in Jamestown after visiting her brother Jason Clifton and sister Patti in Fargo.

Margie Anderson was among helpers at the Lutheran Home of the Good Shepherd Sunday for the Annual Fall Festival bake sale. And later attended the annual Lutheran Home meeting as a delegate from Kvernes Lutheran Church.

Saturday Jimmy Indergaard enjoyed a visit over supper at the Andy and Ruth and Braaten home.

Sunday afternoon visitor at the Ervin Longnecker home was Rob Lies. Evening found Ervin visiting at the Eric and Lisa Longnecker home.

Saturday afternoon visitors and supper guests at the Charlotte Koepplin home were Janet Laube and Yip Yip.

Jimmy Indergaard left some apples at the Ervin Longnecker and Margie Anderson homes last Saturday.

Tuesday afternoon Ervin Longnecker and Cory Jorgensen were brief stoppers at the Charlotte Koepplin home on Circle Trail Riders Inc. business.

Margie Anderson, Patti Larson and Kathy Anderson were among the many ladies to attend a baby shower for Chelsey Zeltinger and baby boy Saturday at the New Rockford Golf Club.

Early Monday morning found Cory Jorgensen visiting over coffee at the Ervin Longnecker home.

Todd Koepplin was a brief Wednesday stopper at the Charlotte Koepplin home.