Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
Martin and Eloise Lucht joined. Bob and Prisilla Bass of Illinois Bonnie Kuchen of Fargo, Dave and Patty Hilbert, Peggy Richter, Mike Thompson and Jim Johnson Jr. at the Rockford Cafe Thursday for their fall gathering and socializing family catch up.
Mary Ghertz was a Saturday helper at the Shirley Packard home.
Cousins, Marvin Koenig and Doris Leik were Sunday visitors at the Lillian Gedrose home.
Jay Schneider stopped in at the Martin and Eloise Lucht home Tuesday evening for a brief visit.
Janet Laube and Yip Yip returned home Thursday from Fargo after several days as house guests of sister-in-law Lois Ockert. Lois called Janet Sunday just checking in.
Lillian Gedrose was among the many who took in the Fall Festival at the Lutheran Home of the Good Shepherd Sunday enjoying a choice of yummy desserts and shopping the abundant goodies at the bake sale.
Sunday found Janet Laube with passenger Charlotte Koepplin on their way to Grace City where they enjoyed dinner at the School House Cafe where they visited with Doug Cudworth, Tony Rademacher and friend Ava.
Ken and Marvis Holte drove into New Rockford Sunday where they attended worship service at the First Lutheran Church.