Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Talk of the Town: Oct. 21, 2019

Monday helper at the Shirley Packard home was son Calvin. Tuesday nephew Todd Harrison was a helper getting outside things done and making ready for the coming snow.

Robert Lies, Bill and Diana Ziegler, Duff and Sandy Settelmeyer and Kim Brown were among Circle Trail Riders Inc. to hold an informal meeting of sorts at Buck-It's Bar Monday evening. Later several took in the Annual Duck Hunters feed at Hanson’s Bar.

Todd Koepplin was a busy snow pusher Sunday at the Martin and Janelle Koepplin, Charlotte Koepplin, Taylor and Amanda Koepplin and Frederick and Dianne Allmaras homes in New Rockford.

Snow shoveler at the Shirley Packard home Sunday was Calvin Packard.

It snowed and snowed and snowed some more, so,

I made myself a snowball,

As perfect as could be,

I thought I'd keep it as a pet,

And let it sleep with me,

I made it some pajamas,

And a pillow for its head,

Then last night it ran away,

But first - - it wet the bed!!

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