Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
Last Monday afternoon visitors at the Charlotte Koepplin home were Martin Koeppling and KC.
Thursday found Jimmy Indergaard enjoying supper with his Uncle Mervin Indergaard and Vicky.
Margie Anderson was among those who attended the funeral service for Darlene Haugen Saturday at First Lutheran Church in New Rockford.
Veterans Day found Ervin Longnecker and Merle and Sandy Longnecker special brunch guests at the Eric and Lisa Longernecker home in honor of them and Veterans Day. Also having a good visit with Riley and Tucker who were home from college at NDSU.
Monday Nancy Ludwig, Dale and Diane Rosenberg, Charlotte Koepplin, Brent Helseth, Kim Brown and Bill and Diana Zeigler attended the monthly meeting of Circle Trail Riders Inc., at Buck-Its Bar in New Rockford. It was made into a motion after some discussion the Summer Ride 2020 camp will be at Hendrickson Park, Sheyenne with trails leaving from there.
Charlotte Koepplin and her brother martin took a country drive Thursday finding themselves at the Koepplin farm where they did some errands and fed the cats.
Last Saturday afternoon, Janet Laube and Yip Yip stopped in at the Charlotte Koepplin home. All enjoyed a visited over pizza.
Margie Anderson, Gary and Kathy Anderson and David and Karen Anderson enjoyed Sunday supper at the Peter and Patti Larson home and especially visiting with Joanna and friend Ian.
Kathleen Lee enjoyed a visit at the Margie Anderson home one afternoon and Margie enjoyed a visit with Edgar Duda at Golden Acres Manor, one day.
Ervin Longnecker received the sad news of sister-in-law, Maxine Longnecker’s death Monday, Nov. 4, 2019 at Murrieta, Calif., where she had been cared for by son, Mark, the last two years.