Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

History of New Rockford: Nov. 25. 2019

The morning of Nov. 1, 1902, revealed the remains of the Halloween pranks carried out by the town’s boys and girls; the “Transcript” commented that in a few cases property was destroyed and that was “to be deplored.”

On that day, Mrs. A.J. Larkin went to Leeds to join her grain-buyer husband. Frank Lewis, who had suffered the previous several years with paralysis, died at his home near Tiffany. He had been bed-ridden for two or three years. He left a wife and five children. His funeral was on Nov. 2, with burial in the Knox Presbyterian Cemetery. [To my knowledge, there is no “Frank Lewis” in any Eddy County Cemetery. A “Frances M. Lewis” is interred in the Washington Lake Cemetery, with the dates July 5, 1850 – Nov. 1, 1903, on the grave marker.]

That evening there was a wrestling match in Brown’s Hall. It was originally to be between Carl Brown and Jack Downs, two of three falls, with a side bet of $100 and gate receipts, winner take all. Dr. Charles MacLachlan was designated as the stakeholder. Then the match was cancelled because Brown outweighed Downs by so much. Then it was on again when Brown found a wrestler named Hart more Downs’s weight.

Downs won the first fall in 17 minutes; Hart took the second in 12 minutes; Hart also took the third fall in four minutes. Carl Brown acted as the referee, D.Y. Stanton was the timekeeper, and Dr. Charles MacLachlan the stakeholder.

On Nov. 1 – 3, eye specialist F.W. Soule was at the Hotel Davies.

On Sunday, Nov. 2, “Esmond Bee” editor Homer Allison came down to visit his parents and friends. Mrs. James Turner came up from Barlow to visit her daughter Miss Harriet.

On Nov. 3, McHenry farmer S.O. Severtson entered the H. Peoples’ general store, put on a warm overcoat, and walked out without paying. Store employees missed the coat very soon and remembered Severtson. Chief of Police P.H. West was called, located and arrested Severtson, and found the coat where Severtson had hidden it. The miscreant was placed in the county jail. That day Frank Parker came in from Tiffany and John Gooden from Barlow.

The election was held on Nov. 4. The results:

State Senate, 32nd District: John D. Carroll, Republican, 384; Iver Vick, Democrat, 222; Carroll took all ten precincts.

State Representatives, 32nd District (top two elected): F.N. Chaffee, Rep., 349; M. Mattson, Jr., [Eddy County] Rep., 383; Axtle Johnson [Eddy County] Dem., 251; M.C. Murphy, Dem., 205.

Sheriff: J.E. Bennett, Rep., 482; ran unopposed.

Treasurer: Ole Hendrickson, Rep., 339; Anton Haas, Dem., 271.

Auditor: W.C. Schwoebel, Rep., 418; L.J. Doyle, Dem., 198.

Register of Deeds: A.G. Gardner, Rep., 483; William Starke, Dem., 128.

Clerk of Court: C.J. Stickney, Rep., 468 or 473? [A.C. Buck was nominated by the Democrats, but his name did not appear in the election results.]

State’s Attorney: James A. Manly, Dem., 319; M.T. O’Connor, Ind., 60.

Coroner: William Bartley, Rep., 370; F.D. Norton, Dem., 204.

County Judge: W.C. Beardsley, Rep., 309; D.Y. Stanton, Dem., 299. 

Surveyor: E.T. Quam, Rep., 338; J.W. Perry, Dem., 259

Superintendent of Schools: Grace B. Putnam, Rep., 474; Josiah Hoffman, Dem., 188.

1st District County Commissioner: J.G. Dailey, Rep., 83; Paul Noack, Dem., 56.

3rd District Commissioner: James B. Dafoe, Rep., 159; William Milne, Dem., 50.

1st District Assessor: A.J. Richter, Dem., 69; S.O. Lee, Rep., 62.

2nd District Assessor: John Schaefer, Rep., 141; Pat O’Connor, Dem., 120.

3rd District Assessor: Helmer Sylling, Rep., 161; K.O. Vick, Dem., 42.

Justices of the Peace (top four elected): J.R. Winslow, 438; R.M. Kennedy, 421; C.C. Manning, 401; Henry Heiple, 376; James Hobbs, 181; E.P. Cosgrove, 171; J.R. Craig, 148; Philip Brand, 141.

Constables (top four elected); Joseph Christ, 426; F.C. Davies, 421; George D. Setz, 409; C.A. Peterson, 401; Jeremiah Carroll, 160; D.D. Dailey, 158; Fred Laasch, 150; Julius Ponto, 140.

On Nov. 4, Barlow merchant F.M. Fife was in New Rockford. That evening Rev. C.S. Mason delivered a lecture in the Congregational Church on “Twenty Years of Rescue Work.” At 8 p.m. Rev. D.H. Clarkson conducted Episcopal services in the Baptist Church.

On Nov. 5 a 10-lb. son was born to Mr. and Mrs. S.P. Pisel. Charles Anderson, a classmate of Miss Dora Yegen, arrived from Bismarck for a visit.

On Nov. 5 and 6, George Lovell was in from eastern Eddy County.

On the morning of Nov. 6, New Rockford experienced the first snow of the season, but it didn’t last. B.A. Daniels and Eli Anderson were in New Rockford. Mr. and Mrs. John Welsh and Miss Freda Zimmerman were in shopping. Martin Anderson and Ole Johnson of Plainview were in town. Mrs. E. Starks left for Minneapolis, where her son Earl had diphtheria. That evening there was a dance at the Opera House.

The Eddy County Commissioners met on Nov. 6 to 8. On Nov. 6, they paid Register of Deeds A.G. Gardner $14.50 for postage; Flater & Stanton eight dollars for work on the jail; W.C. Hayes, $60 for September and October janitor’s salary, plus $4 for nursing John Ellingson; $54 to H. King for digging a grave for Ellingson.

On Nov. 6 to 8, Dr. H.J. Riesland, eye specialist, was at the Hotel Davies.

The Nov. 7, 1902, “New Rockford Transcript” contained a Card of Thanks from the New Rockford School Students to “all the people of New Rockford and vicinity for their liberal patronage of our Halloween supper….” The event cleared $85 for the school library.

There was a Card of Thanks from Mrs. F. [Frank] Lewis and children to all who helped them during their recent “sad hour.”

J.W. Rager was putting a basement under his store building before adding a line of heavy and light hardware and stoves. The Davies Hotel was going to have steam heat.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hutchinson and family had moved into town for the winter; he had been ill for a few weeks, but was feeling better.

Mrs. Kate Stedman had returned to her Cleveland, Ohio, home after a lengthy visit with her son Bert in Sheyenne and with many old friends from the time she and her husband were among the early pioneers in the county.

During the week Emmett Shearing had a carload of Michigan apples shipped to New Rockford and began selling them.

The previous week Veterinarian Surgeon F.R. Patterson left for a winter in Chicago.

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