Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Letters to Santa

From Mrs. Ystaas's first grade class, we are happy to present "Letters to Santa."

Dear Santa,

can I fly your slay? I whant a ics fishing rod for christmis. Where did you find rudoff. can I hav a Alex morgen jersey. I have been kinda good this year. Do you like barss. Will your rndeieer whant some caruts this year? My grama mite maek coocies for you. P.s. I mite eat tow of your coocies.

Love Kensley

Dear Santa

I thinck I have been a good boye. Santa I wood like a sckate borde. How meny elf's do you have? How meny toys have been made?

love Lincoln

Deer Satu Clos,

How dus eor elfs get the poete ers? How do you mack the tows? Nrf gun a ipad and a car rastrack and a big barn with a plastick windos. I have ben noty and nis.

Love Cordell Myhre

Dear Santa,

How do you go in a house wen there is no chimney? I would like a bockoomon. Do you like to make presents. I would like a computer. I wish for a merkul.

Love, Tian

Dear Santa,

Haw dus the rander fly? I woud like a pawir ranjir chan saw soird for chrismas. You mite not get any cooceys this chrismas. I am so sore if you dont get any cooceys and millc because I mite not have time to mace the cooceys and millc I am soree if I can not mac them too.

love Bryce

Dear Santa...

How does your raindeer fly? could I have a jet pack' help horse' a gard dog' a robot' a real dimend a peret' a big culering book a rodotdog' 100 doler bills a fack gardan' a baby fling raindeer' big Amerain horse. I celend the houes. Do not give me coull!

Love Zoe Risinowr

Dear. Santa.

Santa how do you now what they want? I would want a keyboard and a mouse with a pad and I woud want some smelly markers. Why duse rodof haven shiny noose? I want a whit bard and I whant a erbuds and how does your rainder fliy. and I Hope you can do this can my brothe be nise to me plese

Love Lydia

Dear Santa,

Why dos Roodolph have a red nows? Why are you so fast? I wont some good stuf for Christmas. I love you so much I wanted you to now that. I olso want Roodolph to now I love him to. I hope you and all the randeer are doing good Marry Christmas.

love Sadie.

Dear Santa,

How do you care all of the presints in your bage? I would like a new bike, a babby dog, new ipad, the dog to be a jachresl, my dog to stop borcing, Every gift, cord, evre thing in Walmart, exept boy stoff. Evry thing in reel life but babby stoff.

Love Dylan

Dear Santa

Haw mene toes you made. I wont a BrBy house and BrBeys. Santa you are the best. haw ken you make toys. I like haw you make presnets for kids. Why dus rwof hav a red nos? I am ged in school.

Love, Maddie Schaefer

Dear Santa

I wut a fon for christmas ad a fis and a new remot cuntrol. is your bead soft.

form Alonzo

Dere Santa

How many toys do the elfs make? How much food do the ranedere eat? I want a new bike. how meny toys do you have?


Dear santa,

How many toys do you bring in your sleigh? How fast does your sleigh go? could you bring me a toy boat truck, and a truck with a trailer? Thank you!!! You always give me toys!!

Love, Bricyn

Dera Santa

How do your presints fit in your bag. I want a toy pokemon that is simpore. I thank that your elfs are cute. I want to visit you someday. I like your jingle bells. What I like abowt you is that you dlivow presints. I thank that you are a good gay.

sinserly Abel

Dear Santa.

Wut tip fo bust majkll bust loo yoo yoo? plle giv my sum bust. I woot a cabemthen anb the stuf I neb for it.

Love. Christian.

Dear santa,

Can you give familys more love? I want to get a doll stuf and I want playing with fire dvd to. Did you know that my elfs are crasy cool. Do you and God work to gether as a teame or do you not do that. I have been rilly good. I want to see you one day. I love my family so much.

Love Alexa Allmaras.

Dear Santa,

Why dos roodolph have a red nose? Why do your Elfs make toys? Why do you have a such big bag? And Marry Christmas Santa! And I want a sled. To santa.

From casey.

Dear Sathto,

Haw bo you see us? I'v been bad and good. I wish four a tablit and Char Gra alse this is faur my sistr a baby.


Deer Santa,

Why is rudolph so famus? I want a car, a toy house, soo tycoon, and a new kitin. Where is Alexes house? how do you se everey one? from


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