Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

What exactly is the NRABC?

What exactly is the NRABC? That was my question when I first moved to the area, and a question that I now often get. I was so impressed that a small community had a progressive organization such as this, and as the director I’m proud to tell people what we are all about.

Economic and community development is an important issue in North Dakota. Our community is fortunate to have New Rockford Area Betterment Corporation, a group that has been dedicated to this endeavor since 1990 and an office staff focusing on this since 2006. So what is the New Rockford Area Betterment Corporation, better known as the NRABC?

Here are some quick facts about our corporation:

• Incorporated in 1990 501(c)3 tax exempt non-profit organization

• Full time executive director position was added in 2006

• Funded through a portion of the city’s sales tax that is designated for economic development

• Governed by a nine member volunteer board of directors from the community

• Member of the Economic Development Association of North Dakota

Our vision is to build and continuously strive for an economically and socially thriving society that serves our community and future generations. Our current mission is to facilitate economic and community development programs and strategies that lead to overall economic growth and community vibrancy in the New Rockford area.

To achieve this mission, the NRABC works to understand the community needs and trends. We develop specific community based strategies to solve problems. We assist businesses to increase growth, recruit and assist new businesses and entrepreneurs. We promote the community through tourism, marketing and public relations, and create and maintain partnerships to help achieve community goals.

We currently offer services such as housing and business incentives, business startup and expansion consulting, child care grant program, professional services, website service, small business marketing, and facilitating community projects and marketing.

Our current strategic priorities are community and business development, tourism, marketing and securing the future of the NRABC.

Our current office hours are Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., or by appointment. Stop by or call if you ever want to discuss possible community, economic or business projects!