Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
The Eddy County Commission has received $21,225 in funds from the Court Facilities Improvement Grant. The application was prepared in December utilizing an estimate from Leben Masonry for various repairs to the brick exterior of the courthouse totaling $28,300. It is the county’s responsibility, per the grant agreement, to contribute 25% of the project costs. The work will be done this spring.
Road Superintendent Todd Weber is approaching his one year anniversary in the position, and he is still keeping an eye toward the future. During the County Commission meeting on Feb. 4, Weber brought a list of items that need attention. “Maintenance is a constant issue,” Weber says, “Large equipment doesn’t last forever. We have to take into consideration the future needs while balancing the cost.”
A conversation followed regarding the age of the blades. “It’ll be four years in the fall,” says Weber, “By next winter we’ll need new blades.” The warranty coverage was also discussed, as working on that kind of equipment requires specialized tools and knowledge.
Weber also requested to contact an engineer regarding the heaving (and now settled) asphalt on Eddy County 1. He said that an engineer can use sonar technology to assess the underlying materials, which in turn can help Weber ensure the overlay is effective. Commissioners agreed that an engineer.’s expertise would be useful.
In terms of personnel, Weber is planning ahead as well. One of his blade operators plans to retire but has yet to give a definite end date. Weber proposed advertising for a blade operator now, to allow ample training time prior to the other employee’s departure. The commission agreed to seek out applicants soon. The position will be stationed out of the Hamar shop.
Other Business
• Eddy County Water Resource Board Member: As previously reported, Due to Water Resource Board Member Peter Larson’s resignation, a new member will be needed. As it was before, the members were dispersed throughout the county. Commissioners decided to formally solicit potential members for appointment via an advertisement, which will be posted in the coming weeks.
• Mill Pump: The commission has reached out to Sarah Smith Warren regarding the preparation of a Brownfields grant for the removal of underlying gas tanks. Smith Warren agreed to review the information and research the time required to invest before she commits to writing the grant.
• Hauling Agreement: Road Superintendent Todd Weber is preparing a road haul agreement with Knife River Hauling on U.S. Highway 281 for 2,500 tons to prep a site for millings.
• Hamar Shop Repairs: The commission agreed to purchase and install a new remote bay door in one of the three bays at the Hamar Shop.