Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
On Monday, Feb. 10, the NR-S School Board of Education voted to establish a New Rockford- Sheyenne School Foundation, under the umbrella of the North Dakota Community Foundation. As described by NR-S Superintendent Jill Louters, “The school district needs a ‘house’ for gifts and bequests. We believe that there are donors, alumni, and friends of the district who may be interested in making a donation to our school district for a special project, in honor of a loved one or as a part of estate planning.”
The North Dakota Community Foundation is a tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) public charity that encourages philanthropy and is dedicated to improving the quality of life in the New Rockford-Sheyenne area. The district can establish both endowment and non-endowment funds. The New Rockford Community Foundation was established in 2008 to support community wide initiatives. This school foundation will provide additional resources for special school district projects.
The next step is to appoint an advisory board, consisting of three school board members and two appointed community members, to manage the allocation of these dollars.
The board heard from its three student representatives – Ashlynn Benson, Cassie Longnecker and Chloe Heinz. In their student report, the three highlighted the upcoming Winterfest Week Feb. 17-21, which will include dress-up days and a dance on Friday.
Secondary Principal Avolt Baumbach added that Miss North Dakota will be speaking at the school on Wednesday, Feb. 19. Her talk on bullying and kindness was organized by the efforts of the NR-S Sources of Strength chapter and Eddy County Community Cares.
Baumbach also reported that under the guidance of Student Engagement Specialist Tyler Cook, NR-S seniors have the opportunity to shadow under a career professional in various fields. This brand new program is currently limited to seniors.
Both principals are using data to inform planning for the 2020-21 school year. Baumbach is utilizing data from a recent Flex-Mod Schedule Survey to design next year’s schedule to optimally meet student needs.
Elementary principal Natalie Becker is using assessment data to help faculty develop best practices for instruction and student engagement. A survey for middle school families will be going out soon to help Becker and the staff plan for 2020-21.
The board also approved the 2020-2021 Academic Calendar with a few amendments. The approved calendar accommodates holidays, professional development days and potential storm make-up days. This calendar offers extended weekends in both February and March rather than one week long spring break.
School board elections have been set for June 9 in the NR-S gymnasium lobby from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Two positions will be open for election, that of Mike Schaefer and John Grann.
Any individuals seeking election to the board of education must prepare and sign a Statement of Intent and prepare a Statement of Interests, both of which must be filed with the district’s business manager by 4 p.m. on April 6.
The next regular meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 9 at 7 a.m.