Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

NRABC, Chamber partner to encourage local shopping

Did you know that when you visit an independent local business that you keep more money in our local economy? You celebrate the uniqueness of our community. You support local jobs. You support city projects through your sales tax. You invest in entrepreneurship. You make this community a destination.

The New Rockford Area Betterment Corporation and the New Rockford Chamber of Commerce work to promote our local businesses, and organize value added events to draw people into our community to ultimately support our local independent businesses. As the executive director of the NRABC, I serve on the board of directors for the Chamber of Commerce. When I started, I was impressed with the many community events that the Chamber organizes. Did you know that the Chamber coordinates the annual 4th of July Celebration, the Stars and Jars fireworks fundraiser, Jolly Jingle promotion and Santa Days, just to name a few.

On top of the community events, the NRABC and the Chamber have been partnering on some projects to promote our area businesses, tourism and marketing for our community. We advertised in the North Dakota Hunting and Fishing guide, hosted an inaugural job fair, promoted the yard of the week program, and sponsored successful street markets and a community social this summer.

Not only is it important to support our local businesses, but I think it is important for our local businesses to support our Chamber. The Chamber is made up of business owners and employees who are dedicated to promoting our businesses and community. The NRABC and the Chamber are currently planning even more projects throughout the year that will promote shopping local and hopefully bring more people into our community.

It’s not just businesses that can join the chamber. Microbusinesses, non-profits and individuals are also welcomed and encouraged to join! Feel free to contact my office or any chamber member if you would like more information. As always, if you have any ideas that you would like to see happen in New Rockford, I would love to visit with you.

Our next event is coming up soon, the Shamrock Shimmy. It’s a shop local event on St. Patrick’s Day that encourages shoppers to make purchases at four different businesses that day. Shoppers will then be eligible to win a grand prize drawing for Chamber Bucks. It pays to shop local! Small businesses are the heartbeat of our neighborhood, the spine of our local economy and the spirit of our town!