Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

COVID-19 Health: Tips to care for your mental health during uncertain times

I don’t know about you, but I’m finding myself very edgy these days, and the tears come easier than normal. Then I try to avoid my short temper by zoning out on my phone. It’s normal to feel out of sorts. It’s okay to be sad, angry, or fearful. We are entering uncharted waters, it is no surprise that each of us handles it differently. Some buckle down, and immerse themselves in work or family. Some need to be alone. Some need to talk through their thoughts with a trusted person. Some need exercise. Some need to laugh.

We at Eddy County Community Cares believe that our mental health is as important as our physical health. However you cope with these unprecedented times, we leave you with a few suggestions.

• Practice social distancing! That’s at least six feet away from another person not in your household. This protects the most vulnerable among us. The healthcare workers on the front lines are begging us to cooperate. We can do this for them.

•Don’t believe everything you read. It’s difficult to sift through all the information. Maybe it’s good to just stick to information from the CDC, NDDOH, or Mayo Clinic. Or ask your doctor— over the phone.

• Stay connected to people— but not in person. Make regular phone dates with five different people. Use social media positively. Maybe challenge yourself to reach out to someone who is home alone.

• Set some screen boundaries. After you’ve done your phone socializing, put it down. Meditate or pray. Read a book. Play games. Learn a new hobby. GO OUTSIDE (Vitamin D, fresh air!) Do that thing you’ve always wished you had time for.

• Consider others’ experiences. These are tough times for so many, and for so many reasons. Be extra kind (not panicky) to cashiers, truck drivers, hospital employees and emergency personnel. They need our support.

• Look for purpose and hope. Write down what you’re thankful for… daily. Observe kindness between your family members, and perfect strangers. Lean into your faith, or explore other paths of spirituality.

• We are in this together, and help is always available. If you’re feeling alone and struggling, you can also reach out to The Crisis Text Line by texting TALK to 741741 or National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK.

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