Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
Dear Readers,
Life is different during the COVID-19 outbreak, and so will your local newspaper for the time being. We're still here, but our pages will be missing the events, sports and school news you're used to seeing this time of year.
Still, there's news to share. Our job is to report the news, so you have reliable, trustworthy information on what is happening locally and how our community responds as COVID-19 hits home. But we want to do more.
Just like the Transcript was filled with letters from local servicemen on the front lines during World War II, we want our pages to brim with local stories about what your family is doing during this time of uncertainty. Consider this a time capsule of what life is like in quarantine, 2020 style. We want future generations to be able to see how we lived and what we did to get through the days.
Here's how you can help: Share photos of your doors and windows filled with hearts, your virtual workouts, the great arts and craft projects you're making, or even a journal entry you've written. We'd also love to publish recipes for your favorite family meals or instructions on how to make something.
Farmers and ranchers, send us photos of your baby animals and spring harvest activity. We know that you're hard at work filling the food supply pipeline, and we want to recognize you.
Workers on the front line in healthcare facilities, nursing homes, grocery stores, gas stations and other "essential businesses" we see you too. Share your stories so we can all appreciate the important work you do even more!
We see this as one more opportunity for us all to connect each week and "catch up" on how we as a community are coming together. Many of our readers are elderly and look forward to seeing the faces of our youth and families in the paper each week, and now is a better time than ever to say "hello" in that way.
This is a great time to purchase a birthday, anniversary or other greeting in the County Extra, which is delivered to 3,000 area homes each week at no cost.
Send your submissions to [email protected] or call us at (701) 947-2417 for a phone interview. We're doing our part to keep the community safe while ensuring that the local paper is in your mailbox each week as you expect.
And there will be prizes! Each week, we'll have a different puzzle or other contest within the pages of the Transcript you can do from home. Complete the puzzle and mail the form back to us for a chance to win great prizes we've purchased from locally-owned businesses hardest hit economically, to give them much needed revenue.
We look forward to showcasing the amazing community spirit we're used to seeing in Eddy County!