Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

National County Government Month: ND counties step-up

North Dakota counties are meeting the challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic and meeting the needs of their citizens during these unprecedented times. Counties mark National County Government Month (NCGM) in April; and while the doors are locked on most county facilities, the hard-working men and women of North Dakota counties have not backed off of their commitment to ensuring their communities remain healthy, safe and vibrant.

The theme for this year’s celebration of NCGM is “Counties Matter,” demonstrating how counties help to improve people’s lives every day, especially during times of crisis.

“Our counties are out there planning for spring flooding, gearing up for road maintenance season, and most importantly now, ramping up public health efforts to meet the challenges of the coronavirus,” said ND Association of Counties Executive Director Terry Traynor. “Just a few examples of how Counties Matter in North Dakota include:

• County commissions are using technology to ensure all citizens can access public meetings remotely while staying safe

• Emergency managers and first responders are working closely with other departments to coordinate county responses to the pandemic, potential flooding and other disasters

• Local public health – county and regional health units continue to be activated as they carry out their local pandemic plans and investigate the extensive contact tracing of positive cases

• Elections – county auditors worked with the Secretary of State and Governor to get an executive order allowing counties to run the primary election by mail ballot

• Law enforcement - sheriffs and deputies are practicing social distancing where possible when responding to calls, traffic stops and patrol efforts. Sheriffs and other first responder associations urged the release of addresses of COVID-positive individuals in order to ensure the safety of first responders and prevent the spread of disease. Sheriff’s offices are struggling to acquire hand sanitizer and masks to best protect them in the field along with tests

• Jails – have made efforts to reduce inmate population and implemented measures to protect the health of inmates and the employees working in jail facilities

• Road departments are prioritizing for flood protection efforts and moving forward with construction and maintenance schedules, while taking precautions in following CDC recommendations

NDACo has created a page on their website for county officials to find information and resources related to the coronavirus, at

All North Dakota county officials are working through the obstacles presented by this pandemic and serving the public as seamlessly as possible. Counties are using their websites, social media and local media to reach out to the public in countless ways. During National County Government Month, North Dakota citizens can be assured that their county matters, and is at their service.