Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Water main project resumes in city

BEK Consulting recently settled in for a full season of work replacing the cast iron water mains in New Rockford.

Residents should be aware that the discolored water some experienced late last week is likely to occur at times throughout the construction season. Although it may not look appealing, the water is safe for general use, according to Public Works Superintendent Bruce Hirchert. He said the discoloration results when the century-old lines are disturbed and valves are opened in preparation for replacement, releasing built-up minerals and sediment into the water. This can and will happen at any time, without warning. Upon discovery of discolored water, residents are advised to refrain from washing white or light-colored clothing and to open their faucets and let the water run until the minerals are flushed out.

Residents should also be aware that BEK does have out-of-state crew members working on the project. However, it should be noted that the workers are exempt from the governor's executive order to self-isolate for 14 days upon arrival from other states because infrastructure projects are deemed "essential" services. There is no order in place that prohibits them from working.

The city commission held a special meeting on Thursday, April 9 to outline procedures that BEK is expected to implement to keep both their staff and the city's residents safe:

• All workers will have their temperature taken twice daily and recorded on a log. The log will be shared with Jeff Douty of Interstate Engineering daily.

• Any worker with a fever or other symptoms will be sent back to his or her place of lodging to self-isolate as per the requirements and get tested for COVID-19 as appropriate. Interstate Engineering and city officials will be notified immediately should a worker present symptoms. Each worker does have his or her own room and shower, per BEK Foreman Wayne Kern, so self-isolation on site is possible.

• Workers will wear face masks in public and in work situations where they are not able to stay 6 feet apart.

• Certain employees will be designated to enter stores and pick up meals for the crew to reduce contact with the public.

• City public works staff will conduct any necessary in-person communication with residents.

Up to date information regarding progress on the water main replacement project is available at There residents will find a color-coded interactive map that outlines where construction is underway and current street conditions.


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