Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
The March 13, 1903, “Transcript” responded to the P.M. Mattson letter of March 11 by reprinting a two-line poem about attorneys Michael T. O’Connor and P.M. Mattson, but refused any retraction unless Mattson could convince O’Connor that he had libeled Mattson. The second article referenced by Mattson had dealt with a report that Mattson was suing O’Connor for criminal libel; the “Transcript” did retract a portion of the article, but did so in a satirical manner. As to the Feb. 27 story, the “Transcript” claimed to have no “knowledge nor information” which would allow the editor to form an opinion.
An item stated that the Light, Water and Improvement Company of New Rockford had been organized by some prominent New Rockford businessmen and capitalized at around $80,000. The group had applied to the North Dakota Secretary of State for a corporation charter. The officers were S.N. Putnam, president; G.W. Brownell, v.p.; W.C. Dresser, secretary; Donald Niven, treasurer; J.W. Rager, W.O. Baird, H. Arveskaug, directors. All the officers were also incorporators, as were E.S. Severtson, Dr. Charles MacLachlan, and A.C. Buck. They were planning on building a city light plant to be completed by Aug. 1.
There was a Card of Thanks from Arthur H. Clute to his friends and neighbors who had aided him during the illness and death of his beloved wife. Another Card of Thanks came from Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Wren to the friends and neighbors who gave aid and sympathy in their “recent sad loss.” A third Card of Thanks from Mrs. Louise Ponto and family thanked their many friends and neighbors for their aid and hearty sympathy “in our recent sad loss.”
The Babcock & Bucklin drug store sold Dr. J.H. McKean’s Liver & Kidney Balm for one dollar per bottle. George Treffry had for sale Blue Steam Wheat, 90 cents a bushel, but reduced to 70 cents by March 27; Macaroni Wheat, a dollar a bushel; Argentine flax, $1.50 per bushel; common flax, $1.30 a bushel; Speltz, 70 cents a bushel, reduced to 50 cents by March 27; White Maine Oats, which yielded 100 bushels to the acre in 1902, 40 cents per bushel.
Lost—Mrs. R.P. Allison’s little water spaniel.
A note stated that the parents of Horace Buffington were Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Buffington of Jamestown, N.Y.; they were 93 and 81 years old respectively.
Mrs. Ed Roach had been quite ill, but was improving.
William Winkelman of Appleton, Wisc., was visiting his friend George Norman of the Dakota Elevator.
The New Rockford Masonic Lodge was sponsoring Cosgrove’s Concert Orchestra, featuring the finest musical instruments, novelties, and bells in the world, including the Aluminum Chimes which were “the longest in the world.” Admission was 75 cents, 50 cents, and 25 cents for children under 12.
On March 13, eye specialist Dr. Myer was at Howard’s Jewelry. Tony Haas returned from the Twin Cities. James Lahart was in looking after his elevator business. Frank Bailey was in from eastern Eddy County. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Maxwell returned from southern California. Mrs. Annie Oliver and Miss Helen left for McHenry, where they would live.
That evening there was a public entertainment in Sheyenne with proceeds to help famine-stricken people in Sweden and Finland; there was a program of literary selections, songs, dialogues, a debate (“Resolved, should the U.S. operate the coal mines and the transportation facilities connected therewith?”; Affirmative, N.K. Mattson and O.B. Walden; Negative, Rev. E.T. Quam and Casper Erickson), and a dance. In the program were a piano solo by Miss Floy Richter; a vocal duet with Miss Jet Richter and Alma Selby; a recitation by C.T. Morrison; a vocal solo by Miss Florence McFarlane; a recitation by N.K. Mattson; a song by the Greenfield Male Quartet; a Shoveline Duet; a guitar duet with Messrs. Roland and Johnson; a vocal solo by Miss Floy Richter; a recitation by Miss Minnie Jensen; another vocal duet with Misses Richter and Selby; and a closing medley.
There was also a “Capital Social” in New Rockford sponsored by the Epworth League at Mr. and Mrs. A.A. Pettit’s; admission was ten cents. There was a large crowd.
On March 14, H.L. Rood sold six horses for cash and on March 20 another carload arrived from Wisconsin, as did one of Western horses on April 1. E.M. Stitzel returned from his trip out west where he cared for his son Roy, ill with “mountain fever.” After Roy felt better, they came back together on the Great Northern to Leeds, from where they drove to New Rockford. Mrs. W.C. Schwoebel and children returned from their eastern trip. Herman and Robert Olson came in from Fargo, where they had attended NDAC during the winter. Mrs. Guss Gullicks and Mrs. A.W. Cady returned from the Twin Cities, where the ladies had gone to learn about the newest styles of millinery. That evening there was a dancing party for a large number of young people at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Mose Reams; refreshments were served throughout the evening.
On Sunday, March 15, Barlow barber Granville Egbert was in New Rockford.
At 10 a.m. March 16, [the sale was originally set for March 10] John F. Goss sold the following at his farm fourteen miles west of New Rockford and 12 miles northeast of Fessenden: 10 work horses, one 3-year old colt, one 2-year old colt, two yearling colts, three cows, two steers (two years old), three yearling steers, two calves, two Deering Binders, one Milwaukee Binder, one Deering Mower, one Deering Rake, one Kentucky 26-shoe Drill, one 15-foot Durham Soil Packer, one Dutch Girl Disc Harrow, two J.I. Case Little Giant Gang Plows, three drags, two single plows, one Owens Fanning Mill, one cultivator and smaller tools, five wagons, one pair of Bob Sleighs, one Whipple Grain Tank, one water tank, one single buggy, one platform spring wagon, one road cart, two sets of single harness, six sets of double harness, one saddle, one kitchen table, one ten-foot extension dining table, one kitchen safe, one Elworth kitchen cabinet, one bookcase and writing desk, one High-Grade Parlor Organ (six octave), one 400-lb. iron safe, one range, three beds, one lounge, chairs, bedding, and other household articles. F.C. Davies was the auctioneer. There was a large crowd.
On March 16, Charles McMillan arrived from a winter in St. Louis; he would work in the Nathan Stanton blacksmith shop. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rosenberger returned from Hamberg, Va., where they had spent the winter. Fred Speck came in on business. Sheyenne blacksmith Hans Stenberg was in New Rockford. Rudolph Indergaard came in from Plainview on business. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Dafoe were in shopping and visiting. J.D. Carroll returned from a business trip to Grand Forks. John Cole went for a visit in Valley City. B.G. Arbogast went to Barnesville, Minn., to look after the Arbogast coal interests near there; he returned March 26.
On the afternoon of March 16, at the NP stockyards south of town, there was supposed to be a pulling contest between John Monahan’s big gray team weighing 3460 lbs., and Pinkerton the Giant from the East. Two hundred feet of rope was to be used. Pinkerton would hold the rope with his hands and teeth; the other end would be hitched to the horses. Each side put up $105. The bet was the horses couldn’t budge him. Unfortunately, there was no follow-up story on the event, if it even took place.
On March 16 and 17, George A. Lovell was in from eastern Eddy County on business and to visit. From March 16 to 19, Mr. and Mrs. R.P. Allison were in Esmond, where he did some legal business.