Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
It’s time to applaud our volunteers! April 19 - 25 was National Volunteer Week!
Thank you to all our volunteers, who give so selflessly of their time, talent and treasures! By fixing hair, painting nails, visiting residents, assisting with mass, conducting mass, helping with activities, working in our gift shop, being on the LHGS Auxiliary, providing musical entertainment, and more… We thank you for brightening our resident’s day’s… we could not do it without you!
THANK YOU… Alicia Vorland, Althea Gronos, Barb Lies, Barb Perleberg, Becky Engels, Betty Westby, Calvin Packard, Carmen Ludwig, Deb Belquist, Dianne Allmaras, Doug Smith, Edith Georgeson, Fern Schuster, Forest Campbell, Gail Weisenburger, Janel Fortney, Jean Lessner, Joanne Leichtman, Judy Belquist, Kristi Frahm, Leroy and Pat Kruger, Linda Laukner, Luann Johnson, Marjory Bohnet, Marydean Weinmann, MaryEllen Rue, Mary Walz, Marge Anderson, Mike Williams, Nancy Ritzke, Pastor Doug Nemitz, Pastor Jeff Halvorson, Pastor Pauline Crowder, Pastor Rick Lowen, Pastor Shirley Teske, Pat Gathman, Patti Gehrtz, Quentin Georgeson, Rita Sorlie, Rob and Marge Lies, Sandy Nystrom, Shirley Lindstrom and Terri Huffman. Our apologizes if anyone was missed.
“Volunteers are seldom paid; not because they are worthless, but because they are PRICELESS! “– Unknown