Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Pleasant Prairie News: June 15, 2020

Ervin Longnecker, Nancy Ludwig, Dale and Diane Rosenberg, Kim Brown, Duff Settlemeyer, Diane Goebel and Charlotte Koepplin of the Circle Trail Riders Inc., held their monthly meeting Monday evening at Hanson’s Bar. The summer ride and annual raffle will happen June 19-21 with camp at Hendrickson Park near Sheyenne, N.D.

Charlotte Koepplin and Candy Jensen drove to Devils Lake Tuesday afternoon where Charlotte kept an appointment at the Eye Clinic. Later the gals went shopping and enjoyed a takeout treat on the ride home.

Friday visitor at the Immy Indergaard home was Andy Braaten. Saturday Jimmy enjoyed dinner with Andy and Ruth Braaten and Noelle, a walk, and a phone chat with his uncle Marvin and cousin Vicki.

Charlie Jorgenson was a Saturday morning helper at the Ervin Longnecker farm.

Margie Anderson welcomed lawn visitors this past weekend and a Monday morning chat and brief visit from daughter Patti Larson.

Martin Koepplin and KC were brief stoppers at the Charlotte Koepplin home Wednesday and got Charlotte’s trimmers going after a long winter’s rest.

Saturday Ervin Longnecker drove into New Rockford and accompanied Charlotte Koepplin to Devils Lake where they were among those to take 93rd birthday greetings to Eugene Weisenburger. They enjoyed visiting with Eugene’s daughter Vikki and Tim Roemmich from Holdrege, Neb.; Nancy Huber and Gracie from Billings, Mont.; Carla and Jim Dockter of New Rockford and families; and nephew Greg Scheer and friend from Idaho Falls, Idaho. All continued visiting over a buffet banquet prepared by the gals and shared in a piece of special cake from niece, Charlotte Koepplin.

Eric and Lisa Longnecker, out for a Sunday drive, stopped briefly at grandpa Ervin Longnecker’s home. Monday morning found Corey Longnecker a brief visitor at Ervin’s.