Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Archival Anecdotes: The Swimming Hole

Swimming has long been an enjoyable activity during the summer months, but did you know that the swimming pool didn't enter mainstream America until after World War II? So for the majority of human history, swimmers found their fun in swimming holes in nearby rivers and creeks.

When Agnes Sullivan donated her swimming suit to the museum, pictured right, she also included a note that read: "The pool was the James River. The city poured sand in the bottom to make the water clearer."

An additional note stated this style of this swimming suit was highly fashionable in the 1920s. Many of us might imagine a woman's swimsuit to be of two pieces, but the idea of a two-piece swimming suit is actually quite new in historical terms. In 1943, wartime shortages prompted a reduction in the amount of fabric used to create swimming suits. Thus the bikini was born.

While the river made for a good swimming pool in those days, other youngsters found it a wonderful place to play and explore. Pictured above are three children playing with a handmade boat on the James River.