Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Pleasant Prairie: June 29, 2020

Margie Anderson enjoyed a visit over supper Sunday at the David and Karen Anderson home.

Bob and Sheryl Longnecker, Katie Landsmon and Maci of Minnesota enjoyed time with Eric and Lisa Longnecker and Ervin Longnecker at their home and also took time on the summer ride with the Circle Trail Riders Inc. over Father’s Day weekend.

Early Monday morning Charlotte Koepplin accompanied Janet Laube and Yip Yip to Carrington where Yip met his groomer for a haircut and other pampering.

Margie Anderson, Patti Larson, Karen Anderson, and Laura Hager and Jocelyn enjoyed the DPRCA Songs on Central.

Sunday afternoon and super guests at the Charlotte Koepplin home were Janet Laube and Yip Yip.

Martin Koepplin stopped briefly Monday at the Charlotte Koepplin home.

Pleasant Prairie and area folk who enjoyed some time on the Circle Trail Riders Inc. summer ride over the weekend were Ervin Longnecker, Cory and Katie Jorgensen and family, Dale and Diane Rosenberg, Eric and Lisa Longnecker, Riley and Tucker, Nancy Ludwig and Charlotte Koepplin.

Sunday afternoon Margie Anderson enjoyed visiting with Rodney and Marvel Ebenhahn and Sandra Larson.