Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Sermonette: Peace I Give to You

I’ve had several conversations with different people about anxiety lately. Last week I wrote about worry and stress, but I think anxiety can fall into an entirely different category. Yes, most of us have everyday things we are anxious and worried about, but these conversations have been about the type of anxiety that consumes you and stops you in your tracks. Some people have anxiety that stops them from functioning, makes it hard to get up in the morning, or makes the simplest of things seem like life or death.

These conversations made me reflect back on my own journey with anxiety. I struggled with anxiety for several years. At first, I didn’t really even know what I was dealing with. I would feel upset or overwhelmed by the smallest things. I didn’t want to call it anxiety because I sure wasn’t “as serious” or “as bad” as other people I knew who suffered from anxiety. But yes, that’s what it was.

When I went off to college, I finally realized what I was dealing with and that I didn’t want to be consumed by it anymore. It took some time, but by the power of God, but I eventually was healed from anxiety! Though I still sometimes fall into anxious thought patterns, I know God holds the victory.

I was asked what changed—how did I go from living with anxiety to being free? The answer to that question is God’s healing power, but I also changed my thinking from an “earthly mindset” to a “Kingdom mindset.” One of my friends told me, “God is bigger than anxiety.” When she spoke those words, something switched in me. I believed it. Even though my anxiety felt so big, in my most anxious moments I was able to remember “God is bigger,” and cling to his peace. I started to focus on God above my feelings or what was happening at that moment.

I think the climate of the world these days is evoking a lot of anxiety for people. Some situations in our world feel like they don’t have an answer or leave us feeling unsure of what the future is going to hold. But I want to encourage you to cling to the peace God promises us. I read John 14:27 the other day and it got me thinking about God’s peace. It says:

I leave the gift of peace with you—my peace. Not the kind of fragile peace given by the world, but my perfect peace. Don’t yield to fear or be troubled in your hearts—instead, be courageous!

The world gives us false peace. Money, a great education, a bright future— all of it can fail us. All of these things can give us peace in the moment but there’s always the possibility they will disappoint. How much more peace can the God of the universe, who never changes and never fails, give us? So, cling to his peace. Pray and ask God to fill you with his peace—peace that is better than we can even understand. In the moments where you feel the most anxious, you can remember God is bigger! He knows you and sees you and he wants to give you his perfect peace.

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