Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
Wednesday Candy Jensen and her brother Terry Koepplin drove to Fargo where Candy had a medical appointment. They met their niece Teresa and Harold Sather there and had a chance at a little visit. They were both happy to be back to New Rockford later in the afternoon. Since then, Candy has gotten “thinking of you calls” from son Jerrod and Derik, cousin Doris Oynes of Bismarck, sister-in-law Cecelia Bauer Koepplin of Minneapolis, Rick and Cora Koepplin and Katie of Devils Lake, T.J. and Alexis Koepplin and family of Fargo, Davy and Melony Allmaras, Tony and Gina Clifton, Cassidy and Dawson, and Terry and Sandy Koepplin.
Eloise Lucht heard from son Larry and Irene from Virginia where they have been fighting a heatwave and are thankful for their backyard pool.
Thursday morning mom, Marvis Holte, treated daughter Amanda Bickett to tea and treats at Prairie Inn.
Friday morning found Elaine Thompson stopping in at the Shirley Packard home. Afternoon Mary Gehrtz was there and Sunday nephew Todd Harrison coached Shirley on her new phone.
Thursday visitor and supper guest at the Janet Laube home was Charlotte Koepplin.
On July 21 Todd and Karen Koepplin celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary. Their choice, Karen went for an enjoyable horseback ride and Todd in his crop sprayer. The plan is to celebrate their special day in the future.
Monday Charlotte Koepplin accompanied Janet Laube and Yip Yip to Devils Lake where Yip was a brief visitor at the vet clinic. Then he waited patiently in the car while the gals did a little shopping and had a bite to eat before returning to New Rockford. They took the scenic route down Hwy. 20 past St. Michael and Tokio, then on to Warwick to Hwy. 15 and home.