Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Sermonette: August 3, 2020

Sheyenne-Oberon Area Ministry

Do not fear. Fear not. Do not be afraid. All these commands are found in the bible. The angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and announced that she was to become the mother of our Savior. He tells her to not be afraid. It is certainly understandable that when all of a sudden an archangel from God appears, at first she would have been afraid. Joseph is visited by an angel in a dream and is told that he is not to be afraid to continue his betrothment, to take Mary as his wife even though she is with child. It was the will of God. Shepherds, keeping watch over their sheep, are also visited by angels. The angels tell them to not be afraid. We are bringing good news.

No, this isn't a Christmas story in the heat of our summer months. The point is that when we experience something new, something that even shocks us, it's not uncommon to get scared. Fear of the unknown is natural, even though what we're afraid of might turn out to be something good. Jesus, talking to his disciples, telling them about what's going to happen to him in Jerusalem, says he is going to leave them. This was a shock to them. They have spent nearly every day of their lives with him for the last three years, traveling with him and listening to him preach about God's Kingdom that would have no end. But now he tells them that even though he is leaving, to not let their hearts be troubled or be afraid. He promises them God will send them His Holy Spirit to be with them in Jesus' absence.

We receive shocking news almost daily. The coronavirus appears to be spreading non-stop with several states, including ours, setting new record highs for active cases and for positive test results for new cases. We have not experienced this phenomenon before. It is natural to be wary, if not downright scared of how long this will continue to affect nearly every facet of our lives. Everything from school to sports to the arts, to family gatherings have been affected. But, as Jesus said, and angels have said, don't be afraid. Do we need to be careful? Yes, of course. It would be silly to forego all safety precautions regarding this virus. We wouldn't walk down the middle of a Los Angeles freeway and say I'm not worried, God loves me, He will protect me. We need to be careful with this virus. But we also need to always remember that we have a caring and loving God. In Matthew, we read that Jesus told his disciples before his ascension, I am with you always, to the end of the age. The Bible is replete with messages of God's steadfast love for us. So, yes, let us be wary of COVID-19, let us take precautions when in public, but we shouldn't let fear overcome us, to let fear rule our lives. The Bible also says, if God be for us, who can be against us. Be safe, be healthy, trust that God will lead us through this. God's blessings to you my friends.


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