Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

NR-S School Board prepares for new year

The August 10 meeting of the NR-S school board started on a somber note as board president Alyson Myhre took a moment to express condolences for the recent and sudden loss of math instructor Mark Johnston.

Secondary Principal Avolt Baumbach shared that Sources of Strength has been meeting and continues to connect with students and encourage good mental health. Annette Hovey serves as the faculty advisor for the student organization.

In the same vein, Superintendent Jill Louters reported that she has been working to assemble a care team that will help support staff in the important task of self-care. “This year has the potential to be a very heavy year,” remarked Louters.

In terms of filling the gap in the curriculum, Louters explained that there are many considerations to make. Not only does the school have to move forward with the implementation of a plan, but little time remains to recruit a highly qualified candidate before the start of the school year.

Mr. Kent Brown and Mrs. Laura Hager both offered to help where they can. Mr. Brown agreed to pick up two high school math classes, adding 2/7ths to his contract for a salary increase of $15,557.

While Mrs. Hager is not licensed to teach math at the eighth grade level, she will be working inside the classrooms to facilitate Math 8 and Algebra 8, both of which will be delivered virtually via the North Dakota Center for Distance Education.

The deadline for distance learning registration has come and gone. There are an estimated 22 elementary students enrolled in distance learning and 11 high school students, representing approximately 10% of the school’s enrollment. There are eight students enrolled in the personalized learning academy.

Minor adjustments were made to the board committee assignments. The assignments are as follows:

• Negotiations: Alyson Myhre, Mary Kay Price, Mike Jacobson

• Evaluations: Alyson Myhre, Mike Jacobson, David Holzwarth

• Building Committee: Mike Jacobson, Patti Larson, Travis Benson

• Rocket Boosters: Mary Kay Price

• Sick Bank: Mike Schaefer

• Elementary Curriculum: Alyson Myhre

• High School Curriculum: David Holzworth

• Career and Technical Education: Mike Schaefer and Mary Kay Price

The board also reviewed and approved the preliminary budget. Superintendent Louters explained that the per pupil payment for the 2020-21 school year totals $10,036, based on the projection that average daily membership in 2020-21 will be 307.88. This budget incorporates all of the final details regarding salary and wage settlements and includes the acquisition of a new yellow bus, projected to cost $94,000. This year’s budget includes a $15,000 projection for fees aligned with distance learning. Overall, the district comes in under budget, with the understanding that there may be a need for further considerations to be made this year.

Bus contracts were renewed for the four routes that serve the district. Superintendent Louters met with bus drivers on Friday, August 7 to discuss changes to the contracts as well as protocol. Each route was compensated with a 2% increase at a $2,059 cost to the district. The increase was proposed to assist in covering additional expenses related to COVID-19 and anticipated fixed expenses or fuel costs. New safety protocols were also discussed regarding social distancing on the buses, maintenance of a daily logbook, assigned seating and wearing masks when appropriate.

The discussion of a school nurse became a topic of conversation during the July 31 board meeting regarding the district’s reentry plan. At the time, the board requested Superintendent Louters work to identify cost-sharing options rather than hire a full-time nurse. In doing so, Louters identified what may be a best option: to contract with public health nurse Danette Schimd. Many of the responsibilities that will be assigned include daily student health needs, COVID-19 contact tracing and assessment of how or when staff or children will be sent home.

Next meeting: Monday, Sept 14 at 7 p.m.