Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
Saturday overnight guests and Sunday breakfast guests at the Janet Laube home were grandson Travis Laube and friend Malissa of Fargo. Travis was among several National Guard buddies to enjoy a Saturday evening reunion near Carrington.
Sunday Shirley Packard caught a ride to worship service at Grace Lutheran Church in Carrington with Charlotte Koepplin. Later the gals enjoyed breakfast at the Chieftain, Shirley’s treat.
Eloise Lucht enjoyed a phone call Sunday from son Alan and Julie Lucht from their home in Germany where they continue working from home for the most part. Then came a check-in on mom call from Larry and Irene Lucht from Virginia reporting busy but fun times with grandkids getting ready for the start of the school year.
Friday afternoon Ken and Mavis Holte enjoyed a social visit from Cody and Amanda Bickett and Izzy bringing special treats for all.
Shirley Packard kept a medical appointment in Carrington Tuesday. Thursday son Calvin drove her to Minot for an appointment at the Trinity Regional Eye Clinic with Dr. Hill.
Janet Laube enjoyed phone calls from grandson Travis Laube of Fargo and niece Shelly Nelson of Oklahoma this week. Janet kept a chiropractic appointment Friday morning in Carrington.
Nephew Todd Harrison brought a passel of garden veggies to Shirley Packard Saturday. Sunday daughter Cindy Toben of South Dakota checked in with mom.
Ken and Mavis Holte enjoyed a phone call from Mavis’s sister Ardy Yates from Arkansas.