Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
The Hunger Free Food Pantry is once again looking for donors to sponsor a child for the 2020-21 school year. The cost is $5 a week per child, or $95 for half a year or $190 for the full school year. Last year the Hunger Free Food Pantry served six children each week, including making deliveries while children were at home distance learning last spring. The kids take home a backpack of food on Fridays and it provides them with light meals and snacks to supplement over the weekend.
A few years ago as further outreach to hungry children, the Hunger Free Food Pantry started a ‘second helpings’ program. This fund supplements children in the free and reduced bracket and allows them to receive a second helping at no charge. Kids who qualify for free and reduced meals still need to pay for their seconds at the regular price. Sometimes this is the only good meal children receive in their day.
The Hunger Free Food Pantry volunteers believe that when a child is fed, he or she is equipped to learn, grow and imagine a future filled with opportunity! Donations can be given to Hunger Free Food Pantry at First Lutheran Church, 436 1st Ave. N., and marked as backpack sponsor and/or second helpings.