Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
Last Thursday Jimmy lndergaard, Dennis and Fran Walen, Sharon Laxdal, Ruth Braaten, Donavan, Allen, and John and Pearl Evanwhal, Kim and Holly were among family to attended funeral service for uncle and brother Alfred (Sonny) Klindworth at Concordia Lutheran Church rural Hamberg.
Janet Laube and Yip Yip were Sunday afternoon visitors and supper guests at the Charlotte Koepplin home.
Jim Brown and Cindy Allen of Idaho were guests at the Ervin Longnecker farm over the weekend. Saturday they were Ervins side kicks and stand in teamsters as all enjoyed the Fall Ride with the Circle Trail Riders. Sunday all enjoyed visiting over breakfast at the Eric and Lisa Longnecker home and later got a taste of North Dakota bean harvest by enjoying riding in Eric's combines.
Wednesday afternoon Martin Koepplin stopped briefly at the Charlotte Koepplin home.
Jimmy Indergaard enjoyed Saturday dinner and Sunday supper at the Andy and Ruth Braaten home.
Visitors this week at the Margie Anderson home were Joanna Larson, Kathy Anderson and Bev Bjornson.
Katie Jorgensen, Charlie, Billie, Rynna and Harrison were Monday morning stoppers at the Ervin Longnecker home. They were there long enough for Ervin to give Harrison a birthday spanking, as it was his third birthday.
Dale and Diane Rosenberg, Nancy Ludwig, David and Sarah Ludwig, Cory and Katie Jorgensen and family, Gary Jorgensen, Loren Anderson, and Landen, and Charlotte Koepplin were among those who enjoyed the Fall Ride with the Circle Trail Riders over the weekend.
Tuesday evening visitor at the Jimmy Indergaard home was his sister Ruth Braaten and Wednesday evening visitor was cousin Vicki Magill.