Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Circle Trail Riders embark on fall ride

Saturday, September 19 and Sunday, September 20, the Circle Trail Riders were once again on the trail for their annual fall ride. Yahoo! It was about to happen under blue skies with a brisk cook breeze as four covered wagons, their passengers and horse back riders numbering near 70 prepared for a day on the trails in rural Eddy County.

All were welcomed by hosts Duff and Sandy Settelmeyer as camp was set up on their farm south of New Rockford.

WOW! What a parade it was as wagons and riders left camp, anticipating what turned out to be a real bang-up day both ride and weather-wise. Couldn't have been better.

The riders were greeted by Joe Seiler and friend Kathy Teschner in the Seiler farmyard as all took advantage of the first rest stop. Then it was on the trail again passed soybean fields and over wheat stubble fields. Wagons and riders made it safely over what's known as Rocky Run and across prairie hay land to rest stop number two in the farmyard of Jordan Reis for a leisurely lunch break. From there it was a trek across some pasture land and a greenfield finding ourselves welcomed at the Ken and Denise Reis farmyard for a short break and water for the horses by a unique round barn.

From the Reis yard, it was on down the road passing sunflower and corn fields yet to be harvested and making it to Highway 281, there was yet one mile of the 13-mile ride to make that would find us back in camp.

We made it and the next thing we knew it was pot luck supper time as all gathered in Settelmeyer's shop where the air was full of good food aromas and humming conversation.

All enjoyed the music of Rob Lies and Tony Rademacher. There was a little sing along as all sang happy seventh birthday to Grayson Sykora, granddaughter of the late Susie Semmens, and shared a special cake.

The riders and visitors gathered around a warm campfire with tails to share as dusk turned to darkness and occasional logs were added to the fire. Campfire embers faded, the damp fall air brought on a chill and soon the riders turned in for the night. See you in the morning.

Sunday's trail was short. A number of riders and wagons went out and did enjoy the ride. And like always all hate the fun to end but know they must return to the real world.

The Circle Trail Riders are looking forward to having two new cowboys and upcoming riders on our rides in the future. They were on this their first ride. They are Paul, infant son of Brent and Jenna Helseth and Crew, infant son of Michael and Traci Allmaras, both only months old. Both are grandsons of Ken and Denise Reis.

Joining was from a distance were Caroline (Wishensky) Hopkins of Mesa, Ariz., Dave and Sarah Ludwig of Wolf Point, Mont., Jim Brown and Cindy Allen both of Eagle, Idaho. Caroline is the daughter of the late Steve (Poppa) Wishensky. In the very beginning and early years of the Circle Trail Riders, Poppa was our ride cook. Dave and Sarah and family have recently moved to the Cooperstown area. Dave is the son of Chuck and Nancy Ludwig. Jim returned to get his teamsters' license renewed and Cindy is second cousin to Ervin Longnecker. They have been turned into teamsters for sure.

The fall ride came to an end. A happy one at that. The riders were unable to have a fall ride in 2019 due to untimely wet weather. The Settelmeyers gave us a rain check until this year and welcomed us with their hospitality. Until next time - HAPPY TRAILS - stay safe.