Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Donations needed for Shop with the Sheriff

This year’s Shop with the Sheriff event is set for December 15, and donations are needed to make it possible. Any child ages 5-15 is welcome to participate in this fun holiday tradition. It helps youth develop positive relationships with law enforcement, and also gives them the opportunity to practice budgeting skills and think of others.

Event coordinator Bill Beals of the Eddy County Sheriff’s Office says, “most kids spend more money on family and friends than they do on themselves. Usually grandmas are the ones who get spoiled with gifts.”

This year’s donations will be turned into Chamber Bucks and distributed to the participants. They will then shop for holiday gifts for themselves and their families at local businesses.

This program is only possible because of the generosity of the great people of Eddy County. To make a donation please mail it to Eddy County Sheriff’s Office, 524 Central Avenue, New Rockford, N.D. 58356, or stop in at the Sheriff’s Office. All donations are greatly appreciated.