Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Krumkake for Kids: Bymoen issues challenge to second gym supporters

New Rockford-Sheyenne School officials announced last week that they had reached the halfway point of their fundraising efforts, with over $330,000 received to date for the second gymnasium they plan to build as soon as next year.

The funds have come in via donations of all sizes from alumni near and far, as well as loyal local supporters.

Take for example Metta McDowell and Tubby Bymoen, with their Krumkake for Kids campaign. The pair took orders for the delicious Norwegian waffle cookies made of flour, butter, eggs, sugar, and cream from November 1–20. McDowell donated all the ingredients and made 80 dozen krumkake from scratch in her home kitchen to fill orders. It takes about two hours to make 10 dozen, so that means she spent the equivalent of two work days mixing, baking and shaping all those cookies! Bymoen then hand-delivered each dozen to its customer. Their efforts brought in $672 for the gymnasium project.

"We set a high standard," Bymoen said. "All these little things add up."

Bymoen and McDowell challenge other individuals, families, businesses and groups to show their support in any way they can. "It doesn't have to be a big gift. Just chip in," Bymoen encouraged, noting that a $50 donation is as important as a $50,000 gift.

Transcript Publishing is up to the challenge. In fact, this week during Winterfest, we're donating 20% of every Rocket item sold to the gymnasium project! We encourage Rocket coaches, athletes and fans of all ages to stop in and check out our locally designed and decorated Rocket apparel, accessories and gifts. This is a great opportunity to support a local business and give back to a great community endeavor.

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