Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Letter to the Editor: Fear is the Real Virus

The public response to the COVID-19 virus has been more harmful to society than the virus itself. It is reported that COVID-19 has caused 281,000+ deaths in the U.S. To have a better understanding of these deaths it is important to look deeper. COVID-19 has the biggest impact on the most vulnerable; specifically, the elderly (80+ years old) living in nursing homes or assisted living facilities. Individuals who are obese or have underlying health conditions are also at greater risk. The World Health Organization has reported that only 6% of total COVID deaths are from COVID alone where the remaining 94% have underlying health conditions. As tragic as death can be many of these deaths are not unexpected considering their health. Also, anyone dying with COVID is considered to have died from COVID, which is misleading.

“But cases continue to rise!” say the hysterics. Mass testing obviously leads to increased case numbers but the death rate in the U.S. has stayed flat. With a 99% survival rate for everyone under 70 years old most will experience moderate, if any, symptoms and recover within a week. Another reason for this rise in case numbers is the highly sensitive PCR tests that locate trace levels of the virus. These carriers are considered asymptomatic but Center for Disease Control officials have admitted it is extremely rare for them to transfer the virus. Yet, most still support the harsh restrictions forced on society. Once again, if we look closely at the data available, lockdowns and other restrictions do little, if anything, to slow the spread.

The CDC recently released a study that took place in Kansas which tried to show that counties with mask mandates and other restrictions slowed the spread of COVID compared to counties with lighter restrictions. The study showed similar rates of spread with the heavier-restricted counties performing slightly better. However, after the study was over, cases spiked drastically in the more heavily restricted counties. Comparing California, one of the most heavily restricted states, with Texas, one of the least, trends match up almost perfectly. Like other respiratory viruses, the course of the spread seems to be seasonal. Data are similar in Europe. Sweden never had a lock-down and has performed better than most of the European Union. The “experts” have been wrong over and over yet are still influencing our community leaders. Why?

We have been bombarded for the past year by a relentless and corrupt media that deliver crisis propaganda 24/7. Understandably, people are frustrated, confused, and overwhelmed with anxiety. Communities are suffering from demoralization and dehumanization. Businesses are destroyed. Unemployment is rising. Schools are struggling. Depression is rising. Substance abuse is rising. Suicide rates are rising. Community trust is broken. Unprecedented expansion of government power has been implemented without debate. Cultural norms are essentially outlawed. We are not allowed to see each other smile. We are not allowed to shake hands. We are not allowed to hug one another. This isn’t normal. This isn’t healthy. This needs to stop.

Sanctimonious authoritarians demand obedience while claiming, “We are all in this together… or else.” Our communities can, and should, take precautions to reduce the risk of COVID-19 but to do so by force is wrong and many of the restrictions have had little to zero positive effect. Our community members have all made sacrifices with the intention of helping others but the unintended consequences are turning out to be worse than the virus itself. We should focus our resources on the most vulnerable and the rest in our communities should return to normalcy. There is more to life than the absence of death. Fear is the real virus.

Mr. Thomas Skadeland

Portland, ND

Rendered 10/17/2024 18:27