Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
If at first you don't succeed, skydiving might not be a good sport for you. If at first you don't succeed, you are probably headed toward a career as a cable TV news reporter. Silly jokes to be sure, but they do bring up an important point. A new beginning can sometimes mark the beginning of the end, or for some, it will hopefully help establish a strong base from which to build and grow. Picture a rookie pitcher, just called up from the minor leagues and his first game as a major league pitcher is against the world series champion team and in the first inning, he must face the league's current top batter. A daunting task indeed for a person hoping for a good start, a positive beginning to his career in major league baseball.
How about Jesus' beginning? His first bed was a feed trough in which sheep and goats ate. While still an infant, King Herod wanted him dead. Before he even gets to begin his ministry, Satan tries to tempt him with promises of power. All Jesus had to do was to bow down and worship him. Jesus returns to Galilee at the beginning of his ministry and on his first return to his hometown of Nazareth, he was ridiculed. His former neighbors, friends of the family were so angry with his comments in the synagogue they ran him out of town, wanted to kill him. Not the best of starts we would have to admit.
How about us? We've had a lot of beginnings in our lives. The first day of school, for the student as well as a new teacher, can lead to anxious moments. All want good beginnings. The first day of a new job in a new town can be nerve-wracking as well. We all have experienced some kind of beginning at one time or another. Many of us could hardly wait for the year 2020 to be over. The year 2021 couldn't get here fast enough. A new year, a new beginning and all would so much better. Well, 2021 has arrived. It is January, the beginning of a new year. I don't know about you but it sure seems to resemble the old 2020 quite a bit. We still have the COVID-19 virus around, albeit in diminished numbers, but there is a mutation that is being discovered in a couple of states. Political bickering continues, some of it downright disgusting.
What can we do? Give up? No, of course not. There are many beginnings we can refer to that brings up positive thoughts; thoughts to cheer about, not to lament. The first verse in the first book of the bible tells us that God created the heavens and the earth. That is good news. We aren't here by accident. God has created all. Think of the first verse in the first chapter in the gospel according to Mark. “The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” Jesus isn't a myth, Jesus isn't a pretender or imitator. He is the Son of God. Want to start a new beginning in your faith? If not a new beginning, do you want to rejuvenate your faith that has been on the back burner for a while? Even a long while? The good news, the great news is you most certainly can do so. God loves us and eagerly waits for us to join Him, to return to Him. Today can be your beginning. A new beginning. A beginning with Christ Jesus as your guide and partner. Pray to Him, read about Him, attend worship services and join others in sharing and enjoying the good news about Him. It is a great start, a great beginning. And if you think the beginning is great, you are going to love the ending, when you join Him in paradise for all eternity.
Love, Peace, and Joy to you.